Fables of the Reconquista

Tostada al-Sadr
As illegal immigrants flood the streets of Our Nation and terrorize the white citizenry with their demands for special treatment like the right to commit DUIs or to work in sweatshops without fear of deportation, Prayer warriors OneNewsNow provide a timely reminder about the embarrassing background of one of this movement's icons. Che Guevara, most recently spotted by Michelle Malkin on the t-shirts of the suspiciously pigmented, is not only a bloodthirsty tyrant on par with Pol Pot, Stalin, or the Clintons, he's also the inventor of the sort of terrorism frequently practiced by The Left:
Yet somehow, Guevara is viewed as a saint and selfless martyr by liberals, the author observes. He says of Guevara, "Worldwide, he is the most recognized emblem of anti-Americanism -- how cool can you possibly get, right? -- and that automatically endears him to a certain mentality."Who's to say how many of the 9/11 hijackers were proudly wearing their Che t-shirts on that infamous day? Or more importantly, how many of today's hooligans themselves won't be piloting commercial aircraft into a downtown skyline? As this invaluably informative piece shows, the ever-deepening links between militant Islam and illegal immigration require that today's rabble-rousers be viewed as the threat to Freedom they truly pose. While the Democratic "majority" may prevent the widespread enactment of the sort of law enforcement policies that are most effective in handling the threat of terrorism, we should at least try to force Osama's eager young recruits to instead wear Ronald Reagan t-shirts, at least until the rule of Law is restored in America. Praise Him!
Nevertheless, Fontova asserts, it is no exaggeration to state that Guevara, who was captured and killed nearly 40 years ago, was the godfather of modern terrorism. The author says he hopes his new book will help dispel the myth about this Cuban cult figure who is so idolized by the American left.
Labels: illegal immigration, Islezbofascism
At May 01, 2007 6:10 PM,
proudprogressive said…
Sister Nancy your keen divine -ly inspired sense of total Beauty is God Given.
All the years of persucuton in beauty school only served to sharpen your keen eye and inner fire of Faith.
These Air drops we are planning could include T shirts as well. Why not? Half measures will avail us nothing.
T shirts with Saint Reagan's image upon them surely the Good persucuted Christians in the Islamic Empire could inspire them not give up. Why i bet they go out and get the troops those flowers and candy after all.
If ever there was a Freedom fighter it was that dear Ronald Reagan
He almost single handedly exterminated the Left leaning menace in South America.And he was not one to apply the Liberal Agenda of checks and balances in Government. (it is a quaint notion)He was led by the Rule of the Bible,not that communist manifesto aka the USA constitution.
It could only be an Inspriation to the Faithful downtrodden Christian minority , in the Muslim World. Their hands outstretched in Prayer desparate for our American Brand of Faith and Family Values.
So while these "care boxes" could be heavy and possibly knock some of them on their Faithful heads(they would die a martrys death) I say drop em !
A complete Beauty care package. Besides T shirts just have cooler to be cooler in the Middle Eastern Summer,than those "dresses" they all seem to wear. Turn those dresses into smocks for the beauty chair,during haircuts and make overs. Spa robes etc. This will truly help Democracy flower.
If Jesus wanted men in dresses he would have been crucified in one. Praise Him !
At May 01, 2007 7:13 PM,
proudprogressive said…
And while we are at it..Lets go for Ronald Reagans as a school uniform here,K-12.
Strictly Ronald Reagan T shirts in Red White and Blue.
Our children will benefit it's never to young to start a good civics program.
Ronald Reagan T shirts (made in China of course) for the prison system. The more i think of your fashion vision Sister Nancy the more i like it. Praise Him !
What is that softie Sheriff Apie-O in Az. thinking having "his" prisoners dress in Pink !
Clearly he has a leftist agenda and is a threat to manliness in the American Penal System. Sheesh, and he calls himself tough on crime !? This clothing issue is no laughing matter. And this heathen gives Pinko a new meaning.
All those men in tents wearing hot pink outfits in the heat of Arizona ? What does he think is going to accomplish ?
All that sweating and fresh air only invigorates the criminal's hormones and precious bodily fluids.
- it can only forward the Homosexual
Lets Pray the trend ceases because bigger detention centers are getting built with our Christian tax dollars.
These Prisons will hold every sort of leftie moonbat illegal scoundrel.
Indeed our fine Law Enforcement and those Faithful Prayer Warriors the Minute Men are plucking them from their homes and jobs. Indeed they are already being rounded up as i type. As you say Sister the Police State our Founders envisioned is coming to pass.
Praise Him!
But how will good Christian Love and re education take place,if they are wearing pink?
Lord Have Mercy !
At May 02, 2007 10:35 AM,
Sister Nancy Beth Eczema said…
Your ideas are eminently sensible, as always. If only we had a congressional majority of Proud Progressives setting our national policy, rather than the motley crop of treason merchants Our Nation is blighted with, the Mission would still be Accomplished. Praise Him!
At May 02, 2007 4:05 PM,
Aaron said…
It's worse than you think, Sister Nancy. The illegal immigrants flooding Our Godly Nation are actually nothing more than the shock troops heralding the Satanic One World takeover of America! Thank the Baby Jesus that the Utah County Republican Party uncovered this nefarious Beelzemexislamocommunifascist plot!
At May 03, 2007 7:06 AM,
Lulu Maude said…
Tostada al Sadr is so cute, isn't he? Couldn't you just eat him up?
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