Gone with the windbag
Sorry for the gap in posting, Christians. Jesus' mother, Mary, was visiting from Texas for the past 5 days, so there was a frenetic burst of scouring every flat surface in our apartment followed by a dizzying whirlwind of protesting our local attractions. While much has happened since I've last checked in with my Prayer Warriors, I am happy to find further proof that The Surge is working. Rosie O'Donnell, spiritual leader of the Supreme Council for Islezbofascist Revolution in America, has finally been removed from her spider hole at ABC:
Rosie O'Donnell's stormy tenure on "The View" will be a short one. The opinionated host was unable to agree on a contract with ABC, and she'll leave the show in June.Ha, a likely story!There's no lie too fantastic that MSM won't tell to protect one of their own. A more credible explanation is that the Wrath we Christians have brought against Ayatollah O'Donnell for her repeated fatwas against Freedom has Hollywood quaking in its unisex Birkenstocks. Prayer Warrior Newsmax continues:
"My needs for the future just didn't dovetail with what ABC was able to offer me," O'Donnell said in a statement Wednesday.
Statements by public figures are being watched more closely in the post-Don Imus era. The lobbying group Focus on the Family said it was preparing to contact advertisers on "The View" as part of a campaign against O'Donnell. The group is angry at O'Donnell for comments they feel were insulting to Catholics.First Disney, then Ford Motor Company -- is there no corporate Goliath that our Army of Davids cannot slay? And while we Christian soldiers certainly deserve a rest after this latest battle in the culture war, it looks like we can expect another redeployment soon. Onward, and Praise Him!
At April 25, 2007 8:13 PM,
proudprogressive said…
Welcome back Sister Nancy, hope the visit with Mother Mary went well. It does sound like a whirlwind, but i bet your sanctuary passeed the white glove test,with flying colors. After all cleanliness is next to Godliness.
Your bring us good tidings. Praise Him ! Good Christian housewifes can breath freely once again safe in the calming arms of Barbara Walters.
Its now SAFE to tune in the View, while cooking and cleaning;and being pregnant. Their pregnancy's no longer at risk without Ayatollah Rosie there to send their blood pressure sky high. Praise Him !
Thank our one true Lord, Barbara Walters is no longer shackled with that trouble maker.
The Donald too(and his fanbulous hair do) can't be credited enough in my opinion. He must have been inspired by our loving Savior to escalate the dialog to ad hominem attack.
Much like Jesus when he knocked over those tables at the temple. You know someone got hurt with all that ancient furniture flying around the place.
In a global war of Terror, below the belt exactly where the Islezbofascists need to walloped. They have tough hides. This is culture war afer all, so its all fair. Besides God is on our side.
Brace yourself:
Recently i read Disney is going to allow homosexuals not only a day in the sun there, but a chance to get hitched by Micky mouse himself ! Right there in front of the kids..gives new meaning to Dopey! You can only wonder how much Snow White will be besmirched by all those white wedding gowns you know "they" will try to wear. But i digress..
There are many battles on many fronts. If our Lord is watching and of course He is. You know he is smiling down upon our efforts.
Rosie better watch out. The next time her ship of heathen families sets sail, no Good Cristian Nation may let that boat dock. Taboo at sea! Forever adrift in Sin.
Now on the downside for the Faithful, with all her new free time, we can only wonder what schemes she will implement to undermine our Family Values and further the Sinful Homosexual Agenda which is global and a mile long.
We the Faithful only have 10 commandments. A few Beautitudes in the footnotes,to take or leave.
But the infidels have demands longer than a country mile for their special rights.
Like the right to destroy our Christian Nation. It boggles the mind,how much they want,and the glee they take in destroying the family as Pastor(and Dr.) James Dobson has shown us. Indeed we will not submit !
I remain steadfast for the long haul (not "uhaul" either).
Count me in for a steady Prayer vigil, imploring our Heavenly Father that Rosie is stymied in her so called creative and loving ventures.
I'm not fooled for a second- No matter how much she proclaims to love her children and concubine,(Married in San Francisco AS IF) NO - she is a force for the ending of Family Values as we the Faithful know and love them. Praise Him.
And Sister stay strong. These battles are many.
At April 26, 2007 1:57 PM,
Lulu Maude said…
Mother Mary lives in Texas? No doubt a factor in the piety of our Leader.
At April 26, 2007 4:11 PM,
Sister Nancy Beth Eczema said…
Sister Proud Progressive: Beautifully put, as always. One only hopes that The Donald is cured of his tragic hairdo affliction for his good works much in the same way a leper was cured by Our Savior.
Sister Lulu Maude: You were expecting Vermont, perhaps?
At April 29, 2007 6:47 PM,
proudprogressive said…
Sister you raise a good point regarding the Donald's hair.
Upon reflection i varily agree it could use a cure. So many moonbats mock him. This must impede his ability to rid us of Islezbofascists. You know he must hurt on the inside. Our Lord hears him i am sure.
He could do better hair wise, you are so right, after all it is your area of expertise and mission.
So i say from your mouth to Our Lord's Ears.
Praise Him !
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