Dems behaving badly

The only way she could have disgraced America any more than she did.
The Republican Party has been rightly described as the Daddy Party*. We look to them to shelter us from the evil-doing of terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda and the Democratic Party, and I thank Our Heavenly Father every day that feminists and homosexuals haven't thoroughly emasculated America just yet -- but they're certainly trying. In their role as Our Nation's protecterers, these father figures have learned that it sometimes becomes necessary to put an insolent wench across their knees and give the bitch a good paddling:
Vice President Dick Cheney accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Thursday of "bad behavior" on her Middle East trip, saying she bungled a message for Syria's president that was later clarified by Israel.It's particularly galling when you consider how Our President's foreign policy has brought such unprecedent peace and stability to the Middle East, as well as exponentially increasing American prestige around the world. If Ayatollah Pelosi is allowed to to run amok in the world of foreign affairs, she'll be sending the world that America will resort to the defeatist tactics of diplomacy to solve international problems, a sure sign of weakness if I've ever seen one.
Cheney harshly criticized Pelosi's visit to Syria this week and declared in an interview, "The president is the one who conducts foreign policy, not the speaker of the House."
Perhaps the most curious thing about this whole affair is how Pelosi treated her sortie against Freedom like a child's game of "telephone":
While in Damascus Wednesday, Pelosi announced she had told Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that Israel was prepared to negotiate with Syria. That prompted Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's office to underline the Jewish state's preconditions for such talks -- including that Syria abandon its "support for terrorist groups."It's a good thing Olmert stepped up to discredit this harpy, or he may have found himself stricken with the uncontrollable urge to spend more time with his family. Praise Him!
Cheney, pointing to the Israeli reaction, said it was obvious Olmert had not authorized the message Pelosi delivered. ...
Pelosi's spokesman, Brendan Daly, asked to respond to Cheney's criticism, said the speaker accurately relayed the message from Olmert to Assad.
*Particularly when your dad is an impotent drunk.
Labels: Ayatollah Pelosi
At April 07, 2007 12:09 PM,
proudprogressive said…
Sister Nancy, as you may see I am on fire with the Lord this morning and before my second cup of coffee !!!
and it is due to your inspiration..i have the cramps from laughing to prove it.(oh the joy of finding the Lord)
Would you consider leaving a blessing on our wee blog ? We have an Easter Post on the very top. It would mean so much to all of us.(ok well me, the rest of em are heathens) Could you bash a spiritual bottle of Champagne on our venture. We too watch the doings of those evil dems. and sinners and fear for the children.
At April 07, 2007 2:19 PM,
Blueheart2 said…
You've divined the secret, Sister! Join us Real Girls for The Evil Nancy...
Hail! Hail! All of the Evil Nancys!
Your daughter,
At April 07, 2007 2:24 PM,
Dick Durata said…
Don't you mean Democrat Party? Mistakes like that could make right thinking folks believe you aren't sincere.
At April 07, 2007 2:45 PM,
proudprogressive said…
well of course brother Dick we are sincere. Notice i abbreviated the name of "that" party. so as not to give them even more press. Those main stream media outlets give those liberals way way too much press already. And look what it is doing to this nation..(wipes a tear)
Excuse my other typos though seems in fits of faith, i tend to type in tongues.
At April 08, 2007 5:22 AM,
Gavin said…
I agree with you wholeheartedly, Sister Nancy. I think Daddy Cheney needs to take Ms Pelosi out into the public square (on the steps of the Supreme Court, perhaps?), raise up her burka, and spank her bare fanny. That's how my father (small 'f') used to threaten me as a child, and look how I turned out.
Hopefully, Our Father has blessed you with some time this Easter out in Palm Springs. I'm sure you have a lot of tension that needs to be released!
At April 09, 2007 6:11 AM,
Lulu Maude said…
Goodness, Sister. I thought I espied the First Twins on yon photo-op. Have they joined the Party of Lax Morals?
Jesus weeps.
Which reminds me... how did you and Jesus spend Easter?
At April 09, 2007 12:48 PM,
liquiddaddy said…
Can't Madam Speaker's ample middle-aged bosom be indicted under the Hogan Act? Its influence on the middle east surpasses Clinton's crooked penis.
For a government that often finds its ministers bound naked in the street, how could the Israeli's resist such an accomodating set of mamalia? Those two ambassadors without portfolio could let loose the dogs of war.
Playing telephone, indeed!
At April 10, 2007 5:27 PM,
Sister Nancy Beth Eczema said…
Lots of Devotion on display here in the comments section, Christians! Thanks for all your feedback.
At June 07, 2018 7:59 PM,
Unknown said…
تركيب جميع موديلات المطابخ وصيانة المطابخ وتصميم مطابخ، المطبخ من أكثر الأماكن الهامة بكل منزل أو محل أو منشأة وبالأخص المنزل تحرص على سيدة أن يكون لديها مطبخ جذاب وراقي ولكن ليس المظهر فقط هو المهم الأهم أن يكون بخامات وتصميم ممتاز حتى تحصل ربة المنزل على الراحة أثناء التواجد بالمطبخ، تقدم لكم الشركة المتخصصة نجارين ممتازين لتركيب وتصميم المطابخ وصيانة المطابخ التى يتواجد بها عيب بالصناعة أو التصميم نحن لدينا دائمًا الحلول المميزة.
· فني مطابخ بالدمام
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سباك بالدمام
كهربائي بالدمام
دهان بالدمام
تركيب مطابخ بالدمام
نجار بالدمام
At June 07, 2018 8:01 PM,
Unknown said…
عمالة متخصصة للقيام بتنظيف وتغليف ونقل الاثاث، نقدم أفضل خدمات لنقل الاثاث بأحدث الأساليب لنقل العفش بضمان توصيل العفش بأمان، نعمل على مصلحة عملائنا بتوفير أمان نقل الاثاث ونحرص على كل قطعة اثاث ونقوم بأعمال نقل الاثاث بخطة مميزة تجعل نقل الاثاث معنا مميز وبدقة وسرعة وكفاءة تجعل عملائنا يحصلون على ما يرغبون من نقل أمن لأثاث منزلهم وبأسعار مناسبة وامكانيات مخصصة لنقل الاثاث كأوناش رفع الاثاث وسيارات نقل الاثاث والعمالة المدربة ونجار فك وتركيب اثاث وكهربائي فك وتركيب أجهزة منزلية وسباك
نقل اثاث بالدمام
نقل اثاث بالخبر
نقل اثاث بالقطيف
نقل اثاث بالجبيل
At June 07, 2018 8:03 PM,
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
At April 05, 2019 7:35 PM,
ِAbdullah said…
تسليك مجاري وتنظيف بيارات بالدمام وشفط الصرف الصحي بمدن الدمام والخبر والقطيف والاحساء والجبيل من خلال أفضل شركة تسليك مجاري بالدمام
هاتف :
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شركة تسليك مجاري بالدمام
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شركة تسليك مجاري بالقطيف
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