RINO no more

Beneath this speedo dangle the stones of a Patriot!
Arnold Schwarzenegger's loyalty to Our Nation has long been suspect, but I am pleased to see that he seems to have embraced at least one of Our President's finer strategies for bold and resolute leadership: cronyism.
A string of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's appointees to state boards are facing complaints that they are unqualified, beholden to the industries they oversee or otherwise mired in conflicts of interest.It's an impressive step towards restoring his conservative bona fides, but divorcing that Kennedy wench would probably go a long ways, too. Praise Him!
Schwarzenegger has installed longtime friends and political associates on several boards, giving rise to criticism that he is practicing cronyism while failing to adequately vet people who oversee billions of dollars' worth of economic activity and other public matters.
At April 03, 2007 6:53 AM,
Lulu Maude said…
Dear Lord, is that the Terminator?!? What a lesson in behold, all flesh is as the grass, and lo, the grass withereth, etc., etc., etc.
At April 03, 2007 6:59 AM,
Lulu Maude said…
p.s. Now that his grass hath withereth, he should look into purchasing one of those neon halos I just saw over at Princess Sparkle Pony's.
It's always best to draw attention away from one's shortcomings, as a home ec teacher told us in the 8th grade. "For example, my hips are large, so I always wear a rose at my beautiful neck."
I'm sure that's somewhere in the Christian cosmetology curriculum, isn't it?
At April 03, 2007 4:17 PM,
Sister Nancy Beth Eczema said…
It's not just that the grass hath withereth. It also seems to hath gaineth about 50 lbs. before doing so. I don't know if there's a neon halo big enough.
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