Black-enough power

There's always one flag The Left won't burn.
I myself had never understood MSM's endless dithering on about whether Barack Obama is black enough for the American voting public. From my perspective, he's plenty black, thank you very much -- end of story. But then the horrible realization dawned on me: The argument over Obama's shade of negritude is the smokescreen behind which MSM is hiding his deadly agenda of Cut-n-Run and Blaming America First. Thanks to the ace reportage of my Prayer Warriors at OneNewsNow, I now see that Obama's contempt for Uncle Sam comes from swearing his allegiances to Mother Africa.It so turns out that Barack Obama is your standard-issue Militant Black Nationalist!
Presidential candidate Barack Obama's home church in Chicago pushes a black separatist agenda, says columnist, author and speaker Erik Rush. According to the conservative Christian writer, Senator Obama's congregation -- Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago -- "is not simply Afrocentric, it's African-centric."Just think of the horrible "reparations" that await Our Nation: a return to that negative image of slavery (whereby whites are exploited by blacks) better known as enforcement of the Voting Rights Act, swapping our cherished National Anthem with the angry gangsta rap of Harry Belafonte, and the first presidential portrait prominently featuring an afro pick. Oh, the horror. But what's worse is that this is actually preferable to the tyrannical reign of black militarism we can expect under his opponent, Hillary "Soul on Ice" Clinton.
Rush says when visiting Trinity's website, he was disturbed to learn that Trinity United Church of Christ professes a commitment to the "Black Family," the "Black Community," and the "Black Work Ethic," and "pledge[s] allegiance to all Black leadership who espouse and embrace the Black Values System." ...
One could argue that Obama's church "worships things African to a far greater degree than they do Christ," Rush contends. Meanwhile, he says the writings and speech of Trinity United's pastor, Jeremiah Wright, appear to be more Marxist than Christian.
Barack Obama was brainwashed into militant Islam at his childhood madrassa, uses his position as an elected official to enhance his stock portfolio, is a parking ticket scofflaw, and he smokes tobacco (among possible other substances). That's four more warnings than we received about Bill Clinton, and look how that turned out. I'm not sure what other horrible revelations about him await, but we Christians ignore them at our own peril. Praise Him!
Labels: Barack Obama
At March 14, 2007 1:10 AM,
JakeB said…
Articles on Church
Interview with Pastor
“Someone just asked me … about mentoring Barack and I said, you know, Barrack came here like he is now. I can’t take credit for that.”
Mission Statement of Church:
Trinity United Church of Christ has been called by God to be a congregation that is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ and that does not apologize for its African roots! As a congregation of baptized believers, we are called to be agents of liberation not only for the oppressed, but for all of God’s family. We, as a church family, acknowledge, that we will, building on this affirmation of “who we are” and “whose we are,” call men, women, boys and girls to the liberating love of Jesus Christ, inviting them to become a part of the church universal, responding to Jesus’ command that we go into all the world and make disciples!
We are called out to be “a chosen people” that pays no attention to socio-economic or educational backgrounds. We are made up of the highly educated and the uneducated. Our congregation is a combination of the haves and the have-nots; the economically disadvantaged, the under-class, the unemployed and the employable.
The fortunate who are among us combine forces with the less fortunate to become agents of change for God who is not pleased with America’s economic mal-distribution! W.E.B. DuBois indicated that the problem in the 20th century was going to be the problem of the color line. He was absolutely correct. Our job as servants of God is to address that problem and eradicate it in the name of Him who came for the whole world by calling all men, women, boys and girls to Christ.”
At March 15, 2007 5:11 AM,
Lulu Maude said…
jb1125--cancha take a fuckin' joke??
At March 25, 2007 7:55 AM,
Tedj said…
I worry that someday when I run for office the Repubs will get after me as a manchurian candidate for being in the Peace Corps, and speaking Russian.
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