the latest additions to the no-fly list

Still at large?
The figleaf behind which The Left hides its intense hatred for America is the "rationale" that the American occupation of Iraq is radicalizing those Muslims who would otherwise be happy living in their backwards countries, wearing bathrobes out it public, and practicing their false religion. All this talk about the "Religion" "of" "Peace" is just so much smoke they blow to obscure the one fact they'd prefer you not find out until it's too late: The Left's hyperbolic rhetoric is creating an army of terrorists here at home. Consider the recent attack against Vice President Cheney, who by the Grace of Our Heavenly Father has survived yet another attempt on his life:
Air Force Two carrying Vice President Dick Cheney struck a bird as the plane neared O'Hare International Airport on Friday.It's abundantly clear the Tourette's-like stream of invective that environmentalists (and their allies in the MSM and the liberal blogosphere) direct at the Bush Administration is what incited this bird to commit this suicide attack. The real question is: How many more are waiting in the wings? As long as liberals are allowed to spew their deadly propaganda under some First Amendment loophole, Our Nation must expect terrorist offensives of this sort.
The aircraft landed safely. Mechanics checked the plane while Cheney spoke at the Heritage Foundation's annual leadership conference, but the incident did not delay his departure from the airport to return to Washington.
"A bird hit the right engine of the plane upon landing," said Megan McGinn, a spokeswoman for Cheney. "He was told after he delivered his remarks."
President Bush thought by fighting them over there, we wouldn't be fighting them over here. And while I remain a true believer in all the other justifications he's given for the Iraq war, this incident shows how tragically wrong he was on that count. But as the success of the surge shows, it's never too late for Our President to take some of his Bold and Decisive Action® in the Global War on Terror. Let's hope he still has the political capital to enact security measures commensurate with the threat liberals pose, for Freedom's sake. Praise Him!
Labels: domestic terrorism, The Left
At April 15, 2007 4:26 PM,
proudprogressive said…
Indeed, Sister you bring up an excellent point.
While the Justice Dept. has many faith based spiritual warriors diligently replacing secular law with Theocratic dictates,Praise Him! Our country obviously needs more Faith based Zoologists.
There is a newish dolphin program i am sure you are aware of, that is training these creatures to sniff out bombs. But how can we know they are not infiltrated by TERRORIST dolphins ?
Dolphins whose names are flipper and gidget only on paper. There could be a Faleek Abu Al Atta Feeshra amongst them. When we find out will it be too late ?
Indeed even our well informed president has not taken this into account. My faith in him remains steadfast.
One briefing by a CIA Prayer warrior and he will surely have a intervention. He will protect us; keep us from having to fight them here (on land, sea or sky) His interventions have been so effective to date.
Being the Decider must have him SO busy this must have escaped him. Surely our One True Savior will speaking to him shortly.
My worry :
These dolphins might swallow explosives just to sink an American vessel. Further more they could be cahoots with their feathered friends,or perhaps fiends would be a more apt discription. A giant network of sea mammals,fish and fowl and furry creatures.
Meanwhile brothers and sisters in Jesus, keep our eyes on the animals. Watch for suspicious behavior.
If my cat comes to breakfast in a bulky burka she is dead meat.
I only Pray i am quick enough on the trigger before i am blown up to Heaven.
Vigilantly yours in the Lord,
At April 17, 2007 7:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think I dreamt about those very dauphins, and here I thought it was because I was in detox!
Just popping by to praise your glorious wisdom, which Anne Coulter couldn't have said better.
At April 19, 2007 1:48 PM,
Lulu Maude said…
I hope they showed that bird no mercy.
Death to infidel seagulls!
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