One step forward...

Travel on, rider
Just when it seems that President Bush is making impressive strides in bringing the great ungroomed of the Muslim world to Christ through cosmetology, my Prayer Warriors at Little Green Footballs alert me to this stinging setback:
Iranian police have warned barbers against offering Western-style hair cuts or plucking the eyebrows of their male customers, Iranian media said Sunday.This is the grossest violation of human rights since Iran forced its Jews to start wearing yellow stars! Choosing one's hairstyle is perhaps the most personal expression of Our Christian Faith that we can undertake, and the suppression of this Sacramental act calls into the question the very possibility of a democratized Middle East that sells us oil on favorable terms.
The report by a reformist daily, later confirmed by an Iranian news agency, appeared to be another sign of authorities cracking down on clothing and other fashion deemed to be against Islamic values. ...
The student news agency ISNA quoted a police statement as saying: "In an official order to barbershops, they have been warned to avoid using Western hair styles and doing men's eyebrows."
Liberals, naturally, are silent on this matter, as they typically are when the barbaric nature of Islam impinges on the religious liberties of Christians, which leads me to one conclusion: The Left is going to impose hairdo sharia here in America. While there have been ample reasons for bombing Iran in the past, this alarming development shows us that Freedom's survival is in its eleventh hour, and that immediate and decisive action is of the utmost necessity. Praise Him!
Labels: Christian Cosmetology
At May 01, 2007 7:05 AM,
Gavin said…
It is a well known fact that Ayatollah Ahmadinejad has acute body odor issues in addition to that tragic 'do he calls a haircut. The stench rising above Tehran in the 100+ degree heat is surely an abomination to the olfactory senses of Our Father.
Our fearless leader George Bush should develop a cosmetological Marshall Plan and send some C130's to Iran with an emergency air drop of all things Paul Mitchell. Lest they forget, items should be emblazened with the Stars and Stripes and "God Bless America" in English and persian.
Bibles would clearly be the top priority for the second wave of help. We need to lead these rank muslims out of their caves and into the beauty of the 21st century.
At May 01, 2007 9:57 AM,
liquiddaddy said…
I agree in a cosmotological airlift, and always have.
My plan would involve the drop of thousands of Elvis-hair and mullet wigs, with Aramis gift bags. In this I am comforted by t he Good Book:
"For how great is his goodness, and how great is his beauty! sharp doo's shall make the young men cheerful, and new extensions the maids."
Zechariah (ch. IX, v. 17)
In God's rinse cycle,
At May 01, 2007 12:52 PM,
proudprogressive said… everyone will look exactly like Osama bin Laden. Those fiends are undermining democracy and Our beloved USA helpful hand at every turn.
An Air drop is definity in
order. Good thinking brother YOY !
How on Our Lord's green earth are we the True Believers (as the good Sister notes) ever gonna get OUR Oil now ? How are we gonna light our Beauty Salons? Heartless Heathens barbarians.
Why do they hate our Freedom ? No plucking - this could well be the last straw. Praise Him!
The Freedom fires of Democracy at gun point will exfoilate those unshaven masses. Pronto. Bunker busting them into beauty.
Rapture, here We (the Faithful) come !
Fortunately we are already exfoliated to perfection. Praise the Lord,and pass the mascara. We are ready for our close up !
oh Heavenly Jesus my heart is trembling.
At May 01, 2007 1:16 PM,
proudprogressive said…
Brother LD,
Perhaps while we are at it,maybe we could raise extra funds for video tapes of "Shear Genius" and tape them to the Bibles.
Brilliant ideas ! The Iranian underground of Faithful Beauty Warriors can practice their skills on those surplus wigs.
My what a fervent group. You people inspire me. Praise Him !
Our souls are on fire with the Lord. Paul Mitchell products, Bibles,(high style) wigs AND Aramis Gift bags. How could the Iranians resist us ? How could they not see our Faithful Generosity?
One would think after an air drop like that, they would gladly gift wrap all their nuclear technology and send it (and the oil) back to US (where it belongs) with a bow on it.
Praise Him !
At May 01, 2007 2:37 PM,
Lulu Maude said…
Perhaps if The Donald were to grow a very bushy beard, he could keep the combover.
At May 02, 2007 10:41 AM,
Sister Nancy Beth Eczema said…
YOY: Who says a plan like this isn't already in the works?
LD: Your knowledge of Scripture never ceases to amaze me. Glory!
PP: Your suggestion got me thinking about a way to destabilize Iran -- how about arming a mujahideen-like resistance movement with rat-tail combs and styling gels?
LM: The Donald's combover is as indistinguishable from Freedom as Lady Liberty's flame. Praise Him!
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