Saving public education
There are days when I think the expression "God and Country" constitutes the top two targets of The Left's hit list, rather than being the credo by which the Constitution decrees all of the citizens of Our Nation to live. Case in point is the latest frivolous lawsuit filed by the Anti-Christian Lesbians Union of Texas, which alleges a high school course that teaches that the godless (and by extension, Democrats) are going to Hell is somehow factually incorrect, despite the avalanche of compelling scholarship presented in sources such as The Omen movies. I extend my deepest thanks to my Prayer Warriors OneNewsNow for alerting me to this latest Outrage:
As if there isn't enough porn already on the Internets, the ACLU has decided to degrade our political discourse further by posting this hardcore filth on their website. I was particularly struck by the following allegation:

As you can see, the abandonment of religious principles and morality has disastrous consequences for Our Nation. Let us pray that Justice may prevail so that The Word can continue to reach the heathens of America's public schools. Praise Him!
The parents claim the district-approved course -- "The Bible in History and Literature," which uses the King James Version of the Bible -- violates their religious liberty by promoting particular religious beliefs to children in their community. Associated Press quotes one of the plaintiffs, a Presbyterian deacon, who believes public schools "are no place for religious indoctrination that promotes certain beliefs that not all the kids in the school share."I encountered similar hostility in beauty school, when I lobbied vociferously to have a Fundamentals of Christian Glamour course added to the curriculum of Martinelli's School of Beauty. Even a course as rich in educational and civic benefits as this one was anathema to those ivory tower Marxists, who were more than eager to discount the millenia of personal grooming tips contained in The Bible in order to satiate their immense hatred for Christianity and America.
Hiram Sasser is with the Liberty Legal Institute, which is advising the school district. He says the Ector County schools are not doing anything wrong.
"The ACLU and people of that ilk, they just hate the Bible so much that they fundamentally disagree with the U.S. Supreme Court in its suggestion to be able to teach a Bible course in a secular way," Sasser asserts. "That's not even good enough for them. They just don't want the Bible to even go into the schoolhouse gates at all," he says.
As if there isn't enough porn already on the Internets, the ACLU has decided to degrade our political discourse further by posting this hardcore filth on their website. I was particularly struck by the following allegation:
41. For example, the Bible Course as taught at Permian High School relies on resources from WallBuilders, an organization whose self-described mission includes "educating the nation concerning the Godly foundation of our country" and "providing information to federal, state, and local officals as they develop public policies which reflect Biblical values." The NCBCPS curriculum, for example, recommends a showing of the WallBuilders' video production, "Foundations of American Government," which concludes that "[e]very moral measurement shows the same statistical departure: No religious principles, no morality."In the interest of jazzing things up a bit, I've taken the liberty of adding a graphical representation of the relationship between religious principle and morality (click to enlarge):

As you can see, the abandonment of religious principles and morality has disastrous consequences for Our Nation. Let us pray that Justice may prevail so that The Word can continue to reach the heathens of America's public schools. Praise Him!
Labels: Christian persecution, The Left
At May 22, 2007 7:18 PM,
proudprogressive said…
Sister Nancy Beth, what a flare for "jazzing things" up, as if your updates on Christian persecution
needed it. But that is you..always going that extra mile for Jesus Praise Him !
Way to "sass" em Hirum Sasser. What a Prayer Warrior, bless his heart Lord.
We can thank the Baby Jesus he is there for that pubic school, to fight those Godless Islezbofacists. (Children who may have other beliefs indeed) Do we need a non Christian "Public" - we think not.
Just reading his words and thinking of that Liberty Legal Institute makes me hear John Ashcroft's singing in my heart. (that song brings tears to my ears, i mean eyes) Talk about a legal eagle soaring, Praise Him ! Of course this country was founded on Godly principles. (sheesh)
The Public school is doing nothing wrong. Bible Study limited to Sunday School ? oh really ? Is that what the heathens really want ?
Public school indeed, as if the public might be diverse; and We Christians ought to tolorate this?!
Clearly they do not care about these children's hearts. They must accept Jesus in their hearts. Public Schools need to care less aboutwhat Children "think" They need to teach them to read, thats it. And the bible,at that. Praise Him !
Anyone who can read the Old Testament knows how to read..How many Children will we leave behind ?
Forget thinking.
Its thinking that Emboldens the Terrorists ! They need to have Jesus in their hearts or else Ka- Powey. Heaven Help Us! Get the duct tape.
This course is for their own good and Salvation. Still they protest.
The James Version of the Good Book(printed in China) is the most economical one out there. Cost effective, still the Heathen Hordes of libertines, intellectual elitests of the left complain. Pinko Fiends !
All youngsters should know how very Godly our Founders were. WE barely need a penal code at all, its all there in the Good Book.
They deemed some humans savages in fact, thats pretty Godly of them if you ask me. Praise Him!
Its clear as day the USA was designed to be a Theocracy. The Bible does not say anything about that Commie libtard notion of tolorance, a melting pot of Diversity..not in one sigle spot!
That New Testament is very questionable. I'm just saying. If a True Christian wants Salvation, we must embrace the Old One , the true one,or else (shudder) Hello Satan
You may want to help this besieged school, win out and beat back Satan. These Godless Liberals who are trying to destroy our Savior's Country. I think you are onto something :
Maybe they can slip it into Home Economics !!! (they still teach that right? How else do good Christian Housewifes get their training?)
Your point is outstanding there are so MANY MANY (a milinia as you say) of Beauty Tips to be found in the Bible. Sister you did it again. Hail Mary ! That persecution at Matinelli's Beauty School is paying off. It must have drove you to your discovery. Praise Him ! And pass the mascara for the Lord.
At May 23, 2007 3:48 AM,
Lulu Maude said…
Miss Nancy! I had no idea that you included mathematics in your scholarly bad of tricks!
I continue to be amazed. I had no idea Christian Cosmetologists were schooled in statistics.
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