Children of the cornhole

Another al-Qaeda training manual?
Radical homosexual activists are not only recruiting Our Nation's children into their morally despicable lifestyle, they're also turning them into terrorists:
A small group of parents demonstrating against homosexuality were assaulted by a crowd of nearly 200 hostile students outside Brookline High School during the pro-homosexual “Day of Silence,” MassResistance reported April 25.When Christians are subjected to the sort of abuse they should be dishing out to homos and the LAPD is roughing up Fox News crews instead of illegal immigrants, then clearly The Left has taken this country through the looking glass. Let us pray that Our President has the fortitude to continue fighting the terrorists. Praise Him!
Described as “screaming, swearing and throwing food,” the students surrounded the half-dozen parents while several school faculty members and administrators stood by.
One parent, identified as Bruce C., told Mass Resistance, “At least one hundred kids were surrounding me like buzzing bees debating these arguments, some yelling degrading comments like "moron", "idiot", cursing, occasionally throwing food and wads of paper at me, burning my flyer, doing simulated homosexual sex acts, telling me they were going to sodomize me, boys were kissing and making out with other boys and girls were making out and fondling other girls to loud ecstatic cheering.”
At May 05, 2007 11:26 AM,
Lulu, the Dewey Dame said…
Imagine the cheek. And that cafeteria food is dangerous, too, and, no doubt, unblessed.
At May 05, 2007 7:36 PM,
proudprogressive said…
Wads of paper, unblessed food and the foulest of language. Outrageous!
True Believers , good Christians called an "idiots" &"morons" !!!
Indeed Sister Nancy Beth we have gone through the looking glass.
(Your two vertical eyes,though a beauty challenge have given you a lazer vision) to spot ALL facets of the Libtard Takeover. I only mention that delicate subject because i know you know, Our Lord does not make mistakes and gave YOU a rare gift.
The Way its going though :
Next thing we know, in hotel rooms across the globe, instead of the Bible,NOOOOO there will be copies of the Kama Sutra. (shudder)
Obiously Our Lord made these heathens apes ! It is proof that Evolution is pure bunk.
The Libtard Homosexual Agenda is swallowing our Christian Nation. (dancing around us,like demons possed in fact) Not only was that food unblessed as Sister Dewey points out, but imagine the lewd "gyrations"(i can't stop thinking about them)
Thank goodness our Blessed Believer and Prayer Warrior President intends to veto a Hate Crimes Bill, should it pass the Senate (that group of Commies)
Sheesh, we NEED the freedom to hate dispise,and beat the sinner if we want to, Praise Him!
All that "love the sinner but hate the sin" went out with the New Testament.
Where are these Christian's heads? Liberation Theology is Commie talk pure and simple.
The next time the heathen Homosexual youth assert themselves in such an unGodly and proud manner; they need be beaten into submission. Hopefully then Sin will be cast out of them,once and for all.
One has to wonder just what these people think "land of the free" means??**
Its really gone too far. Its the obvious end product of not teaching Creationism in school. Theory Ha ! Fools, evolution is the theory. Less art, less phys.ed, and WAY more bible study i say. Praise Him!
Spend our Christian tax dollars for Home Schooling better yet. That way the homosexual menace will be snuffed out. Maybe even the few intransigents will become good pNac'ers
***We the Faithful know its purely a hypothetical freedom. Say Yes to the one true Savior Praise Him ! or hello Satan.
Believe in Jesus or be damned to the eternal fires of Hell.
At May 06, 2007 12:06 AM,
merlallen said…
At May 06, 2007 6:21 AM,
Gavin said…
I'm as incensed about the book you pictured as the treasonous way those cornholers attacked our Sisters and Brothers outside that "school" where they teach Treachery and Blasphemy 101.
After all, penguins are one of His most Christian of the animal kingdom. They were created in the image of Mary and Joseph as they are notably monogamous and chaste. Everyone knows they don't have sex — they lay eggs. Praise Him!
At May 06, 2007 8:14 AM,
The Editor said…
Okay, did you perhaps stop tpo consider that the reason why the students were calling the demonstrators "moron" and "idiot" is because they are?
The Bible says love thy neighbour, and first examine your own faults before you judge tohers. If you are really Christians like you claim, then you should let people live the way they want and focus on your own judging, self-righteous and thus damned souls.
At May 06, 2007 9:25 PM,
proudprogressive said…
I knew it ! I should have bought new glasses ..but i thought Pat Robertson was going to assasSINate Hugo Chevez and sent my whole check. (back to those cat food burritos) Praise Him ! (hope Pat got my prayer request..i need glasses now)
I litterly did not SEE, that last sentence ! That poor Prayer Warrior, loud ecstatic cheering is especially disturbing !
he may well have been next! Those heathen fiends.
(i hope his do was in shape)
Who could blame him for fearing for his??
what was that word you used? I think i may have sent Pat my memory too, will have to squint through that informative post again. Anything to kill a commie and one that speaks spanish. Adios Mio, i mean Sweet Jesus,
Praise Him !
No wonder this Persecuted Christian and Prayer Warrrior was so upset.
I missed that cheering part, on my first read. (and just cannot stop thinking about it) Where are the thought police when you need them ?
Heaven beam me (and my cat) up NOW Sweet Jesus ! Praise you Sister Nancy Beth excema for carrying the message. Your watchful eyes are relentless.
At May 07, 2007 7:08 AM,
Cheney08 said…
We are fortunate to have a President with the strong leadership abilities that George W. Bush does. But what happens when his term ends? Who has the leadership abilities to replace him? There is one man...
At May 07, 2007 7:39 AM,
liquiddaddy said…
Sister Nancy,
In defense of marriage, this brave half-dozen should have immediately similated missionary sex, like the kind of God Sanctioned type they have at home. Show 'em hows it done "'ol school." I'm sure those heathens would have found it as shocking and repulsive as we do.
On my knees before the Master,
At May 08, 2007 1:46 PM,
Sister Nancy Beth Eczema said…
DD/LM: This is no doubt why The Left has banned prayer is schools: to enhance its destructive capabilities when thrown at Christians.
PP: Agreed, on *ALL* counts.
Merl: I don't see what's so funny.
YOY: A trenchant observation. Perhaps one of my Prayer Warriors will devise an abstinence-only sex education program that encourages America's horny teenagers to lay eggs.
Demon: Your criticism of me only EMBOLDENS THE TERRORISTS! Did you ever stop to think about that before spraying your liberal hate?
LD: We are in complete agreement. There are few things more distasteful than the sex act.
At December 08, 2008 6:55 AM,
Unknown said…
If you truly believed in God then you would believe that the only true freedom that we have, that was given by Him, was the freedom of choice. People can choose to be how they want to be. If they choose to be sinners than so be it. You should not be judging those around you, that is a duty that only God can have. These people have no effect on you or those around you, so leave them alone and they will leave you alone. They just want to live happily like everyone else, not be told how they must live so they have miserable lives just so they can go to Heaven. Who are you people to tell the rest of the world how to act? The only suggestion I can give you is to get your faces out of your bibles and live for once in your pathetic lives.
At February 15, 2011 9:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
I agree, praise Him...and I mean Barack Obama! Finally a liberal President. I myself am a godless liberal and find all you Christians to be a pain in my ...well, I you know what! F Jesus and his mindless crew. We 'libertards' are coming back in full force. Bye bye god ... hello freedom!
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