Big Pharma to America's girls: "Whore it up!"
Like most Americans, I'm absolutely sickened by The Left's attempts to compromise the chastity of Our Nation's youth. The onslaught of late has been fierce, with the Darwinists' enthusiastic endorsement of bestiality, the homosexuals' posthumous recruitment of great Americans like Walt Whitman and Langston Hughes into their perverted ranks, and the relentless campaign by the horny she-wolves of America's public schools to deflower every male student by the time he turns 11. Sadly, we can now add the pharmaceutical industry to those gunning for America's collective ladyparts, as they are trying to induce America's pre-teen girls into spreading it like peanut butter:
This act of debauchery comes shortly after the perverts at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists decided in their great "wisdom" that America's womenfolk aren't promiscuous enough. Evidently the risk of unwanted pregnancy is somehow stifling the little enjoyment women may actually derive from the act of sexual congress, so ACOG has decided that the best course of action is to allow them to pop abortifacients like Tic-Tacs, so they can better chase the O. Well, good luck finding it, harlots. Just remember that through your incalculable wickedness, you're inviting another tragedy along the lines of 9/11, if not worse, upon America. Praise Him!
Giving girls as young as 9 a first-ever vaccine that blocks infection by four types of human papillomavirus could slash global deaths from cervical cancer by more than two-thirds, Merck & Co. officials said Thursday in seeking federal approval.As if a woman who engages in recreational sex deserves anything less! How do liberals expect Our Nation's children to gain an adequate appreciation for the beauty of human sexuality if they insist on sheltering them from the consequences of their filthy deeds? This is the nanny state on Spanish fly, with a Rohypnol chaser, chained to her bed, and with a ball gag in her mouth. Disgraceful!
The vaccine, called Gardasil, protects against the two types of human papillomavirus, or HPV, believed responsible for about 70 percent of cervical cancer cases. It also protects against two types that cause 90 percent of genital wart cases.
This act of debauchery comes shortly after the perverts at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists decided in their great "wisdom" that America's womenfolk aren't promiscuous enough. Evidently the risk of unwanted pregnancy is somehow stifling the little enjoyment women may actually derive from the act of sexual congress, so ACOG has decided that the best course of action is to allow them to pop abortifacients like Tic-Tacs, so they can better chase the O. Well, good luck finding it, harlots. Just remember that through your incalculable wickedness, you're inviting another tragedy along the lines of 9/11, if not worse, upon America. Praise Him!
At May 18, 2006 6:42 PM,
Lulu Maude said…
You tell 'em, Sister! Why, only this morning I was thrilling to the ideas of that renowned Prayer Warrior Paul Cameron, who has proposed "sexual gradualism" for the youth of today. He suggests an 8-point process for our tender young, level 1 being near one another, and level 5 being mutual hand exploration of the genitals, 7 being oral sex... his wholesome program is designed to turn the young away from homosexuality. He suggests that parents set aside a room at home for the implementation of this program, perhaps one that includes a glossy 8 by 10 of Our Lord...
Indeed, the teen years could be the happiest of one's life, since Brother Cameron characterizes marital sex as "boring."
At May 19, 2006 7:26 PM,
liquiddaddy said…
C:\Documents and Settings\TSH1\Desktop\women3.gif
Chained to the bad and a ball gag sounds like a great idea.
Have you seen little girls fashoins lately? You could throw in some "Powder Puff Girls" burkas while your at it.
Jesus is King,
At May 19, 2006 9:04 PM,
Devil's Advocate said…
Big Pharma sells what people want to buy. If you want to be a whore, go find a Pharma dealer (they used to call them doctors, as it was necessary to operate clandestinely), and get a Script for "The Whore Pill".
I hear Big Pharma is making a lot of money. There must be a lot of whores out there...
At May 20, 2006 8:57 AM,
Sister Nancy Beth Eczema said…
Lulu Maude: Thank you for the introduction to Paul Cameron's theories. His scholarship on teen handjobs was clearly a labor of love -- for Jesus!
Dom: If Lou Dobbs has been critical of Our President, I think any name in the book is fair game for that traitor.
LiquidDaddy: Please, what happens at the Watergate stays at the Watergate.
Devil's Advocate: I agree, Our Nation is being overrun with whores, thanks in no small part to Big Pharma and their co-pimps in the medical field. Is there any medical advance that isn't aimed at staining Our Nation's Virtue?
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