Eggplants of Evil
Liberals have been using the vegetable kingdom to lead us Christians out of our churches and into the waiting arms of the Occult for centuries now, even going so far as to tempt us with finding "Heaven in a wild flower." I hate to rain on your patchouli-scented parade, hippies, but the only place where you're going to find the way to Heaven is in The Bible. Given the adversarial relationship between the natural world and Our Faith, I view the following story not with the sense of vindication you might expect, but rather with utter trepidation:
Felicia Teske of Boothwyn says she was preparing fried eggplant for dinner Sunday evening and noticed that the seeds in one slice seemed to spell out the word "GOD".A little known fact that the MSM outfit reporting this story won't tell you is that eggplants are well-regarded accessories to the homosexual lifestyle. What meeting of radical homosexual activists would be complete without smoked Japanese eggplant & goat cheese canapés? Think about it: Have you ever seen a straight person buy an eggplant? I think not. This is clearly Satan's trickery, and countless millions of earnest Christians who read this story will be deceived into eating eggplant under the mistaken impression that it will bring them closer to our Savior, rather than being the path to Moral ruination that it truly is. Had The Lord really wanted to appear to His followers, He would have shown up in some hearty American fare like a side of beef or a 22-piece bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken, not some wussified vegetarian dish. Praise Him!
Felicia says she bought the eggplant at a roadside produce stand a while back, and also says the discovery has really given her food for thought. Felicia told Action News that she recently had family members pass away and it is comforting that "GOD" appeared.
Labels: Christian persecution, MSM, vittles
At August 14, 2007 12:58 PM,
Gavin said…
Oh, sister, I think you have been staring at your blog screen too long in order to education your flock. Clearly you are seeing the world through a rose colored hue.
Homosexuals buy the eggplants for raunchy carnal pleasure! Yes, most think immediately of cucumbers (or bananas; or carrots; or zucchini; or leeks; or corn on the cob) when one thinks of copulation with vegetables, but these people are pros when it comes to agricultural deviancy. Eggplants are huge and purple, what more could a queer ask for?
I only hope these playmates from the garden aren't served up in some fancy schmancy appetizer to unknowing guests at their weekly parties.
Come to think of it, my neighbor is growing eggplant in his garden. I'm going to have to keep an eye on him.
At August 15, 2007 4:39 AM,
Lulu Maude said…
Thank you for this post, Sister. Just yesterday I was visiting the garden of a rather well-known theologian and her even better known theologian husband, and I espied two different species of eggplant.
I plan to contact the proper authorities, if you will only tell me who they are.
Indeed, I probably just did contact the proper authority.
At August 15, 2007 7:59 AM,
proudprogressive said…
Its true , when i infiltrated that Islebofascist Pot Luck (planning meeting)to see what those gray haired terrorist granny gangs were up to, there was at least 4 different Eggplant Dishes. Lots of em ! Dips,(gaak) cassoroles, you name it.
I of course had brought Sister Nancy Beth 3 bean Freedom Salad minus the American Flags. Very telling , that the Eggplant got scarfed up with gusto, while my salad , barely got touched !! Why do they hate our Freedom Salads ? I saw NO evidence of God in those eggplant dishes - none , zero, zilch, bupkus.
I had however tried to arrange my Freedom Salad into a Mosiac of the Blessed Mother,Mary. (perhaps they felt she was too pretty to eat?)
Well I got out of there with my leftovers,life and some names. Those heathens did not have the last life on me - no sir.
Dangerous work yes, but I knew the Lord was with me - Praise Him !
At August 15, 2007 8:07 AM,
proudprogressive said…
*laugh* on me...but I did I hear a few snickers on the way out.(heathens and libertines,all) And no wonder, they could not recruit me,try as they might. And that eggplant dip,one particulary aggressive Izlesbofascist repeatedly asked me to try it. I got her name, you can be sure, while claiming to have an allergy. Clever eh ?
At August 15, 2007 10:05 AM,
liquiddaddy said…
Everybody knows God reveals himself mostly on potato chips, and related salty snacks. Personally, I have the images of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost (on a hot cheeto).
As for the Mary Cult, often confused as something other than Satanic, I'm sure her image is plastered all over spent condoms and wretched abortions in just about every sewer in the country.
Bless 'em!
At August 16, 2007 8:34 AM,
Liz Blondsense said…
I posted something about this a few days ago and my readers insisted that it didn't say GOD, but rather GOO or GOP or GIP. One person noted that it said OGOD.
I wish I had visited here earlier to get the skinny on the homosexual connection. This is simply devious.
God bless you, Sister.
As always,
Sister Mary Elizabeth
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