Pink China
Through my think-tank, the Project for the Nancy-American Century, I have long touted the transformative role Christian cosmetology will have, when partnered with America's military strength, in spreading Democracy across the globe. So I am pleased to announce that the Nancy-Con doctrine of Freedom through the application of cosmetics is in riotously full bloom. Whoever said that only Nixon could have gone to China obviously never heard of Mary Kay Ash:
Hope of joining China’s growing middle class drove Xiang Jun Mei, a poor rice farmer’s daughter, to sell Mary Kay products door-to-door and to everyone she met. ...Glamour on this scale is certainly not without its perils. China has an estimated population of 1.3 billion people, and the potential unleashing of all that Beauty could, theoretically, trigger a supernova that would consume much of China, and hopefully North Korea while it's at it. But as Our Secretary of Defense would say, "Glamour is sometimes untidy," and that's a risk I'm sure we're all willing to take. Praise Him!
Both women see in themselves something of the late Mary Kay Ash, the bouffant, pink-Cadillac-driving Texan who founded Mary Kay cosmetics in 1963. Increasingly, the company sees its future in these Chinese entrepreneurs.
China is the company’s fastest-growing and second-largest market. It is expected to surpass the United States in sales in the next 10 years. Growing ranks of Chinese women are donning the Mary Kay uniform of tailored suits, reading Ash’s books (translated into Mandarin), holding skin-care classes and professing the blonde matriarch’s go-getter philosophy.
At August 09, 2006 10:29 AM,
Lulu Maude said…
An exhilarating post, Sister Nancy. I can only hope to live to see hordes of Asians painted like harlots bringing the Word of the Lord to these Christ-parched shores.
Praise Him, indeed!
At August 09, 2006 9:04 PM,
liquiddaddy said…
On a side note, imagine if we had the national resolve to air-drop millions of beauty products on North Korea, what a spiritual awakening would occur?
Why should Kim Jong Il have all the eye-liner and falsies? That is totalitarianism at its worst; not the good kind like we got.
At August 14, 2006 9:59 AM,
Sister Nancy Beth Eczema said…
Lulu Maude: What a Heavenly vision, and certainly more Glamorous than that guy in Tiananmen Square. What did he use to cut his hair, pruning shears?
LD: Sadly, the same forces of Defeatism that keep us from kicking ass & taking names in Iran are keeping us from tarting up the North Korean populace in the manner you describe.
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