I put a spell on you
The 2008 election presents Our Nation with one very important question: Who hates America more -- Barack Hussein Obama, or his radical associates? Already we've made the unfortunate acquaintanceship of one "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright, whose idea of an American utopia would be a tribal headhunter society, and William "Bill" Ayers, the one man who's come closest to killing off American Capitalism since Franklin "Delano" Roosevelt. Just when you thought this drum circle of homos, hippies, and negroes couldn't get any larger, Prayer Warriors WorldNetDaily have unearthed the latest radical out to destroy God and Country hiding in the Obama camp:
In the same week the Obama campaign quietly removed from its official website a page managed by a fundraiser tied to the Islamic terrorist group Hamas, its official blogger has come under attack as a "hardcore Marxist" for hanging a Communist Party flag in his Harvard campus apartment and publishing in a self-professed 'revolutionary Marxist' journal.This is a tremendously alarming development. Ronald Reagan, as we all know, drove a silver stake through the heart of the Evil Empire back in 1989, which means someone must have somehow reanimated it: Has Barack Hussein Obama brought World Communist back from the dead, possibly through some sort of negroid voodoo spell? He is, after all, black; furthermore, his past religious associations point towards some sort of Marxist Afro-Islamic occult practice. I only wish there were another debate on the horizon, so that a conscientious member of our media could ask him what other failed ideologies he will be bringing back from the dead by killing chickens. Praise Him!
Sam Graham-Felsen, a journalist-on-leave from The Nation, joined Obama for America in March 2007 where he works for the New Media department as the official blogger, daily presenting the campaign's public face. Now he's under fire for his reputed Marxist sympathies from bloggers at Common Ills on the left and Little Green Footballs on the right.
Graham-Felsen, according to a 2003 article in the Harvard Crimson, adorned one corner of his shared student apartment with "a Communist Party flag ... bought on their trip to Russia the summer after sophomore year."
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, Liberal Treason, scary black people
At April 29, 2008 11:32 AM,
proudprogressive said…
Indeed it is horrifying the amount of riff raff and america haters rallying aound this commie in sheep's clothing. But fear not faith flock we have a choice ! and a good chance of keeping the HOLY WAY going in the Middle East for a 100 yrs. And McCain ought to know how to do just that after all he was a POW, was tortured and knows it works really well in getting people to see the light - take jesus PRAISE HIM !!into their hearts and recite the Rosery and lords Prayer daily -
McCain will make sure that the finer institutions of higher education with be free of any liberal moonbat "scholars" and their pernicious effect on attempting to free the minds of college students..after all who needs a thinking population
WE need a religious population BUT its got to be OUR one true religion of course.
Obama seems to have a lot of dear good close friends that have questionable resumes and ideas. Its soooo scarey all this thinking and most of it moonbat america hating heathenry i bet they believe that religious institutions ought to be taxed and stay out of politics..RADICALS ALL
..it sends me off to my prayers..repeat repeat repeat. We are due for a inquisiton,a hundred yrs of it - well there is a lot of ethnic cleansing to be done. AGAIN.
Its time America owned up to its moral obligaton to dominante the world - and McCain is just the guy to take on China ! Let her rip - bombs away - it could only help and the Rapture index is climbing !! the sooner we do this the better.
My i am gonna dig a bomb shelter - surely a homegrown terrorist will be trying something soon. I mean they are after all behind every bush.
Talking diplomacy pish that is for the weak liberal america haters and of course the Homosexual Menace who are really the ones to blame for all of this. and the Commie PINKOs.
At least thats what my preacher tells me..and it makes perfect sense. Fred Phelps is one smart guy !!! as is his family.
Hey if torture was good enough for Jesus Praise Him - its good enough for everybody.
At May 02, 2008 12:45 PM,
zeppo said…
Boy, you people are WAY over the top. Talk about paranoid delusions.
Now excuse me, I need to go torture some sheep. They may be hiding something, and I need to know what they know.
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