Nancy, get your gun
In the past, I've routinely dismissed criticism of the Department of Homeland Security's performance as the usual rantings of unhinged liberals and like-minded perverts who love Hillary and hate America. Then some of my Prayer Warriors got in on the act, which threw me for a while, and -- dare I say it? -- made even me question their patriotism. That sense of unease cleared up, though, when I deduced that it was because Ted Kennedy had wrested control of the department out of the hands of the Freedom-lovers, and had instructed border patrol officers to dress up like Good Humor men and give out Klondike Bars and road maps to the illegals they happened upon crossing the Sonoran Desert. However, when I learn that The Left has unleashed marauding gangs of lesbians to terrorize the streets of Our Nation without a concomitant rise in the threat level to red, I, too, must voice a note of distrust with this agency. Maybe DHS is playing politics with National Security -- for the benefit of the moonbats!!!
Needless to say, we're on tactical alert here at Sister Nancy Beth World Ministries International Headquarters, a 9-11(c)(e)* corporation, particularly since the the dossier of credible evidence about these jihadists in flannel continues to grow. This could very well be the spectacular terrorist attack on American soil that Al Qaeda has been plotting since 9/11, but something about the involvement of lesbians tells me that this will be a thousand times worse: An armada of pimped-out Subarus blasting Cris Williamson will roam our streets; afro-pics will dangle menacingly from their mullets; they'll terrorize man, woman, and child alike with their threats to have Rosie replace Bob Barker on The Price is Right -- or OMG! Katie Couric on the CBS Evening News! -- and they'll kick our collective asses in tennis, soccer, and softball. Oh, the humanity. Michael Chertoff and his spineless underlings may want us to keep our pretty little heads buried in the sand, but I've got the duct tape and plastic sheeting ready for the first blare of the civil defense sirens.
Unsurprisingly, these hirsute daughters of Bilitis have managed to mount a Fifth Column to assist them with their latest onslaught. I extend my deepest thanks to Prayer Warriors World Net Daily for tipping us off to these atrocities, effectively proving that these vicious lesbo gangs and the radical homosexual activists and uncivil liberal bloggers who have come to their aid are tapping the same deadly well of Islezbofascism:
Christians, Michelle Malkin has deputized all of us to be Jane Does, citizen warriors, and I do not take this responsibility lightly. I have already reported two women to the FBI for having suspiciously short hair and uncoordinated outfits, and I encourage all of you to be similarly vigilant. Praise Him!
*changed everything!
Needless to say, we're on tactical alert here at Sister Nancy Beth World Ministries International Headquarters, a 9-11(c)(e)* corporation, particularly since the the dossier of credible evidence about these jihadists in flannel continues to grow. This could very well be the spectacular terrorist attack on American soil that Al Qaeda has been plotting since 9/11, but something about the involvement of lesbians tells me that this will be a thousand times worse: An armada of pimped-out Subarus blasting Cris Williamson will roam our streets; afro-pics will dangle menacingly from their mullets; they'll terrorize man, woman, and child alike with their threats to have Rosie replace Bob Barker on The Price is Right -- or OMG! Katie Couric on the CBS Evening News! -- and they'll kick our collective asses in tennis, soccer, and softball. Oh, the humanity. Michael Chertoff and his spineless underlings may want us to keep our pretty little heads buried in the sand, but I've got the duct tape and plastic sheeting ready for the first blare of the civil defense sirens.
Unsurprisingly, these hirsute daughters of Bilitis have managed to mount a Fifth Column to assist them with their latest onslaught. I extend my deepest thanks to Prayer Warriors World Net Daily for tipping us off to these atrocities, effectively proving that these vicious lesbo gangs and the radical homosexual activists and uncivil liberal bloggers who have come to their aid are tapping the same deadly well of Islezbofascism:
Two news stories about hundreds of lesbian gangs attacking and raping young girls in schools and other public locations have prompted a backlash against the reporters by members of the homosexual community.Absolutely chilling -- evil doesn't get distilled into a purer form than that.
The broadcasts by Memphis television station WPTY and Fox News host Bill O'Reilly quoted law enforcement authorities, victims, and even some gang members to document the growing number of attacks on young girls by lesbian gang members. ...
But the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, which had tried to suppress the Memphis report before it aired, issued a statement charging the reporting was "without … one solid statistic or credible source."
Rashad Robinson, GLAAD's senior director of media programs, called the reporting "inaccurate tabloid journalism" and said it "perpetuates dangerous stereotypes about lesbians and feeds a climate of homophobia, anti-gay discrimination and violence."
Participants in several blogs simply ridiculed the reports. A writer who was identified as "Idaho Librul" told the "From the Left" website: "Thank goodness for Bill O'Reilly! I saw a group of rampaging lesbians just the other day going up and down my street. Oh wait a minute, come to think of it, they were Girl Scouts selling cookies. But I was terrified!"
On the After Ellen blog, another wrote, "Yes, it's true, we're just one cell short of being a full-fledged terrorist network. Don't bother asking us where bin Laden is – we'll never tell."
Christians, Michelle Malkin has deputized all of us to be Jane Does, citizen warriors, and I do not take this responsibility lightly. I have already reported two women to the FBI for having suspiciously short hair and uncoordinated outfits, and I encourage all of you to be similarly vigilant. Praise Him!
*changed everything!
At July 12, 2007 10:34 AM,
liquiddaddy said…
Why should anyone let their guard down just because the group in question are Girl Scouts? For that matter, isn't any assembled group of "women" a potential pink cell bent on destroying our way of life, our marriages, our freedoms?
I know that next door to me there have been weekly gatherings in my neighbor's home involving 1/2 dozen, or so, females with short hair, stretchy capris; moo-moo's and generous sweat suits. They say they are merely playing "farkle", but I wonder..
The best way to avoid suspicion is for the ladies to stay home, shop and attend regular cosmotology sessions in addition to Faithful church attendance wednesday and sunday.
Paddling my canoe to Glory,
At July 13, 2007 8:15 AM,
proudprogressive said…
" On the After Ellen blog, another wrote, "Yes, it's true, we're just one cell short of being a full-fledged terrorist network. Don't bother asking us where bin Laden is – we'll never tell."
well there you have it a confession !! and not the type we would hope for either. Jesus weeps.
No wonder Chartoff our Nations weathervane on terror here and abroad has been having gut rumblings.
I wonder if they have an age limit on their recruitment tactics. Something tells me this Lavender menace will not stop with the youth. Gray haired ladies could be at risk for recruitment as well.
Handbags can be vicious weapons you know. A good range of motion, a little momentum and a Prayor Warrior could be knocked on their Rightous arse, just saying. Pot Lucks or planning are we to know what is really going on, thank goodness for global surveillance. This type of report makes me want to work for Homeland security - just to try and infiltrate,i believe i could pass pretty convincingly. Its my cooking though, that might put me at risk. If i went to their regular pot lucks. I could bring Sister Nancy Beth Freedom Salad minus the American Flag toothpicks of course.
Sister Nancy Beth thank you for this chilling report. Your vigilance is our best weapon.
Praise Him !
At July 13, 2007 9:38 PM,
Sister Nancy Beth Eczema said…
LD: Definitely suspicious, and this "Farkle" you mention sounds vaguely Arabic, don't you think?
PP: As much as I admire your willingness to put your life on the line by infiltrating lesbian enemy cells, you can do just as effectively serve the cause of Freedom by being a conservative blogger. Praise Him!
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