Feeding the Beast
Through a steady regimen of sex "education," music videos, and biased coverage of Iraq, The Left has turned the youth of Our Nation into an unwashed horde of America-hating vegetarian potheads, all of whom would prefer killing their unborn children rather than Islamic terrorists. Not content with ruining the Morals of this generation of young Americans, liberals have now set their sights on those of the people of Iraq, with expectedly disastrous consequences:
Naturally, the moonbats would like to cite this as additional proof that [cue violins!] Our President was wrong to invade Iraq, that the surge isn't working, that our continued presence in Iraq is only bringing continued misery to a population that's already had to endure it for generations, that we're further destabilizing an already unstable geopolitical situation, that we're only fomenting additional anti-American sentiment in the world, and any other "reality"-based talking points the liberal lunatic fringe can pull out of its much-traveled derriere. Naturally, they refuse to look at their own complicity in the floundering war effort, as I bet you dollars-to-donuts not a single one of these people has a magnetic yellow "I support the troops" ribbon anywhere on their car. And besides, Al Gore is fat. There's no reason we should give stories like this any credence, other than to note how destructive liberalism has been to the people of Iraq, and that we should Stay the Course. Praise Him!
Pregnant Iraqi women who have been forced from their homes by worsening violence are obtaining illegal abortions because they are unable to get medical care for themselves and their unborn, according to a new report by a national humanitarian group. ...They must be teaching evolution in those newly painted schools, because I don't know what else could cause this freshly liberated group to reject Freedom like this and throw up their purple fingers in despair. And I'm sure MSM's incessant negative reporting had some part in this, too, because no doubt these people would be a lot happier if ABC quit blubbering on about how miserable they are.
Rape, theft and drug addiction have also become "commonplace" among the displaced, who live in government buildings, at relatives' homes, tents, or squat in abandoned homes or makeshift huts on empty land, according to the report, which was first noted on the Iraq news site Iraqslogger.com.
The number of "internally displaced persons" -- refugees who leave their homes but remain in the country -- has quadrupled since January, the group found. As of May 2007, 1,024,430 Iraqis have left their neighborhoods to live in safer regions, the group reported, with more than 400,000 people pouring out of the areas around Baghdad and Mosul, which have been plagued by sectarian violence and anti-U.S. attacks.
More than 1.8 million Iraqis have fled the country entirely, according to the United Nations.
Naturally, the moonbats would like to cite this as additional proof that [cue violins!] Our President was wrong to invade Iraq, that the surge isn't working, that our continued presence in Iraq is only bringing continued misery to a population that's already had to endure it for generations, that we're further destabilizing an already unstable geopolitical situation, that we're only fomenting additional anti-American sentiment in the world, and any other "reality"-based talking points the liberal lunatic fringe can pull out of its much-traveled derriere. Naturally, they refuse to look at their own complicity in the floundering war effort, as I bet you dollars-to-donuts not a single one of these people has a magnetic yellow "I support the troops" ribbon anywhere on their car. And besides, Al Gore is fat. There's no reason we should give stories like this any credence, other than to note how destructive liberalism has been to the people of Iraq, and that we should Stay the Course. Praise Him!
At June 24, 2007 12:00 PM,
proudprogressive said…
Well at least that fine news purveyer on the Fox network Mr O'Rielly has the rightous courage to come out and say "who cares about a bomb in Tikrit" In that "no spin zone" he makes clear (with the Lord on his side) that we only need to know stuff that affects us good Christians. The ever growing threat of bears is nothing to sneeze at.
If it wasn't for these truth tellers, the libtards clearly would have ended our rightous liberation of Iraqi OIL, opps i mean Liberation the Iraqi's.
Its still a mystery how OUR oil, got under their soil. But the Lord does work in mysterious ways.
If the Iraqi's were meant to have clean water, medical care, education, security, and electricity as they did under that infidel Saddam, they would still have it ! Now wouldn't they ?
The Baby Jesus guided those blessed American bombs. Clearly, Our One True Savior side of righteous capitalism. Praise Him !
Still shocked and still awed
- PP
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