Insuring their own destruction
While Scripture confers many blessings upon the Union of man and woman through the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, perhaps the most Blessed of all of these is employer-sponsored health insurance. "Ensureth thine conjugal mate through thine master's actuarial programme, lest The Lord smite you to the tenth generation with sixty percentage out of network costs," a Prophet beseeches us from the Good Book (though I can't remember exactly where; I think it was somewhere towards the front), and those words have never rung truer. Throughout the history of Western Civilization, employer-provided coverage has been the mortar that binds Freedom together with Heterosexuality, creating the Moral foundation upon which Our Nation rests. This goes a long way in explaining why Chairman Hillary and the rest of "her" red brigades are so hellbent on turning private healthcare into another state-run communist welfare program, like education, Social Security, and the forest service -- it's another projection of their deep hatred for Traditional Values. As if those Clinton years weren't dark enough, insurance must now withstand another onslaught -- this time from Maryland's radical homosexual activists:
But If only that were the worst of it. Health insurance for "gay" "couples" threatens to lead to the widespread use of "counterfeit marriages," which means you (OR YOUR CHILDREN) will be able to go your local swap meet and buy one for a fraction of the retail cost that the rest of us have to pay. But don't take my word for it, take Mr. Barber's:
Make an earnest declaration of Our Christian Faith, like saying that all homosexuals are diseased perverts, and The Left will distort this into their usual claims of hydrophobia. This time is no different, but fortunately for the people of Maryland who don't stick foreign objects up their anuses, Mr. Barber is onto these vectors of moral pestilence:
*Credit goes to Varla Jean Merman for informing me of this looming health crisis.
Pro-family activist Matt Barber is warning Maryland taxpayers that they may soon be forced to support the homosexual lifestyle with their pocketbooks. Barber, policy director for cultural issues for Concerned Women for America, says Maryland appears on the fast track to becoming the 15th state to grant domestic partner benefits to homosexual state employees.This boggles the mind: How many florists does the state of Maryland actually employ? That a state's government can be taken over by these flower-arranging footsoldiers of perversion indicates something is seriously wrong with their human resources policies. And this doesn't address the heart of the matter: Why are homosexuals even insured at all? Political correctness prevents a Concerned Woman for America like Mr. Barber from speaking these hard truths, but I make no such concessions to The Left's thought police: Baby Jesus weeps every time a homosexual presents his insurance card to see a doctor, and every submitted claim form is like a dagger thrust through His tiny, precious heart. Insuring homosexuals is a one-way ticket to Hell for Our Nation, and its practice is probably one of the many reasons God turned His back on us and allowed 9/11 to happen.
But If only that were the worst of it. Health insurance for "gay" "couples" threatens to lead to the widespread use of "counterfeit marriages," which means you (OR YOUR CHILDREN) will be able to go your local swap meet and buy one for a fraction of the retail cost that the rest of us have to pay. But don't take my word for it, take Mr. Barber's:
He contends that domestic partner benefits devalue traditional marriage much the same way introducing counterfeit money into commerce devalues the dollar. "[When] you water down something enough, eventually it becomes unrecognizable," he asserts, "and we have counterfeit marriage here; we have the government subsidizing counterfeit marriage."Is that the only counterfeit operation homosexuals are involved in? Because given the natural America-hating affinities between this group and the heathen Chinee, it wouldn't surprise me to discover that the trunk of your average homosexual's Miata is stuffed with bootleg DVDs of Glitter and My Fair Lady to peddle at their local leather bar. I think the Justice Department would be wise to make investigating this a top priority.
Make an earnest declaration of Our Christian Faith, like saying that all homosexuals are diseased perverts, and The Left will distort this into their usual claims of hydrophobia. This time is no different, but fortunately for the people of Maryland who don't stick foreign objects up their anuses, Mr. Barber is onto these vectors of moral pestilence:
"The homosexual lobby has done a masterful job of convincing people that this is about discrimination," Barber said. "It is not. It is about benefits being conferred upon those who enter into marriage, which is beneficial to society. Homosexual relationships are not beneficial to society; in fact ... the homosexual lifestyle is a very dangerous lifestyle that oftentimes involves high medical costs."Homosexual epidemics like AIDS and the Evian flu* have brought Our Nation's healthcare system to the brink of insolvency. Rather than renounce the sinful lifestyle that causes these afflictions, radical homosexual activists want the American taxpayer to pick up the tab for their treatment, which mostly consists of getting pedicures and sipping on mimosas at expensive day spas. Don't let them do this. Health coverage for "domestic" "partners" in Maryland may very well start a domino effect that leads to the collapse of healthcare -- nay, of capitalism -- as we know it, a calamitous event that only liberals would welcome. Fight the good fight, Christians, and praise Him!
*Credit goes to Varla Jean Merman for informing me of this looming health crisis.
Labels: radical homosexual activists
At June 02, 2007 11:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
I always new it was them behind the avian bird flu!
At June 02, 2007 4:48 PM,
Cheney08 said…
You make a good point, Sister. Indeed, I think a very relevant question is this: is there a correlation between the increase in the number of people who are uninsured in our society and the increase in the number of people who are gay? If so, the common-sense solution to the healthcare problem would be to cure more gays. And it is a solution which would much more likely be implemented in a Cheney administration.
At June 04, 2007 1:17 AM,
Randy said…
...a Concerned Woman for America like Mr. Barber....
Nice touch there. :)
Cheney08: Isn't that what that new Surgeon General candidate, Dr. Holsinger, is for?
At June 04, 2007 3:58 AM,
Lulu Maude said…
Oh, Sister... you are having a visitation by the Lord's own Dick.
Doesn't it just make you squeal with ecstasy??
I've been hoping that the two of you would find each other!
Jesus won't mind.
At June 05, 2007 5:37 AM,
proudprogressive said…
Praise Him ! We have a sign just lookie , oh joy , oh rapture...
Sister Nancy as Randy points out our troubles are nearly over.
Indeed We Faithful are have launched an effective Salvo against science (the devils work) on a National level. Soon nobody will need a doctor at all ! Only Faith healers. Praise Him !
And Holsinger is the perfect Mad (at the liberals and scientists) Doctor to institute this Prayer intervention on a National scale. Halluluja !
He already runs his very own ministry to Pray the Gay away !
What a truly exciting nominee for Surgeon General..and here some of us felt so abandoned by the Decider. All the compromises with the Libtards, made me wonder if he and Jesus were just not talking anymore.
Ah we of little Faith (ok, me of little faith) what a wonderful surprise..just when things looked so bleak.
I know i will be calling the Health , Education and Labor committe myself..202 244 3121 to tell them YESSSS he is our man.
Maybe we can pray away childhood diseases as well - we can try it, couldn't hurt. Heck measels, chicken Pox (not called a pox for nothing) is likely a mark of demonic posssession don't need an MD to know that.
That committee though, does give us pause - packed to the gills with Heathen, American Hating, Terrorist emboldening, Devilcrats,(the usual suspects)
Yep, this is gonna be a Holy Battle and Bush must still be talking to Jesus, to come up with this fine Prayer Warrior for this very important position America's Doctor, the Surgeon "General" (and it is a battle) - for the spiritual health of OUR Christian Nation.
Who needs science ? Its America's soul is sick afterall.
Hail Mary ! and dial for Jesus , this is culture war !
At June 05, 2007 6:16 AM,
proudprogressive said…
Satan is gripping me by the keyboard again (sorry) trying to impede my Faith !
the correct number for the committee to tell them of the support of the Faithful (us) for 202 224 3121.
Good Christians, dial for Jesus ! What is few sheckles when the Spiritual Health of our Christian Nation is at stake. I found out the number offered was wrong the hard way..Imagine Wochiva thought i was calling for a loan..and some nice Christian Lady luckily already up on her way to work, was more then the number was off by one digit. So here is a correction above...quality control for Jesus. Praise Him !
At June 05, 2007 5:07 PM,
Sister Nancy Beth Eczema said…
Ipoz: Why do you think so many of them keep birds as pets? And I shudder to think of what horrible plague they're going to spread via toy dogs.
Cheney: You've got my vote -- in fact, several of them, if things go as planned.
Randy: Credit goes to the Holy Spirit for inspiring me.
Lulu Maude: It is indeed an honor to be visited by the Big Dick himself, but having him shoot me in the face would be absolute Nirvana!
Proud Progressive: Yes, this Prayer Warrior deserves our support. Hopefully this ministry you speak of can eliminate the public health crisis of homosexuality. Praise Him!
At June 06, 2007 8:01 AM,
Gavin said…
Sister Nancy Beth, my mouth was agape as I read your willingness to take a shot in the face for America. And with such conviction! You truly are a mercenary for Christ.
It should come as no surprise that Dick is very generous to those in his flock. He has lovingly placed many pearl necklaces around the throat of our former first lady Barbara.
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