The incredible shrinking Virtue
As someone who was conscripted into joining the Conservative movement by Phyllis Schafly's softly feminine hairdo, I know as few others do how Psychology is one of the tools The Left is using to pick open the lock on Our Nation's beleaguered chastity belt. In Psychology, your sins are absolved by uncovering memories of bad potty training or some such nonsense, so you are free to free to rape and kill your mother at your leisure and still keep your position as troop leader in the Cub Scouts. Tragically, this seems to be the moonbat's battering ram of choice these days. Here are their latest predations on Taste & Decency:
† Human lab rats: The Left's favorite subjects for their psychological experiments are YOUR CHILDREN. Prayer Warrior Mona Charen uncovers the Satanic incantations these precious lambs are being taught:
† Smile for a change, you fat pig: A favorite target of Hollywood's voodoo Psychologist priests is Biblical Authority, which they are forever trying to undermine with their quackery. Here they proclaim that depression has some correlation with obesity, whereas any Christian will tell you that it's God's punishment for violating His prohibitions against Gluttony:
† Culture of Death: As any Christian can tell you, the only time anyone actually experiences insanity is in the presence of radical homosexual activists, and usually after eating too many snackcakes. So their flocking to the defense of the Ward Churchill of family planning, Andrea Yates, was completely predictable. I'm sorry to report to you that killing her children wasn't the only violation of Christian Doctrine "Ms." Yates happily committed:
Will America wise up to this threat in our midst? I'm sounding the alarm, but no one seems to be responding. Praise Him!
† Human lab rats: The Left's favorite subjects for their psychological experiments are YOUR CHILDREN. Prayer Warrior Mona Charen uncovers the Satanic incantations these precious lambs are being taught:
"Boys shouldn't cry. (they should be like diminutive adult males, independent, self contained, and tough. they should bear pain and hurt with a kind of stoicism and emotional flatness exemplified by rugged males in cigarette commercials and by romantic depictions of fighters and the wild, wild west.)I think we can all agree that giving young people the language to articulate their feelings is a terrible thing. Take those personal pathologies and turn them into a lucrative career as a conservative pundit instead.
"Girls should always be nice. (Talk nice talk. Never say anything negative. Do nice things. Never do anything that would make someone look askance at you. Nice girls DON'T.) ...
"Don't talk, think or feel about sex, money, and feelings. (Talk . . . well, talk stirs things up, gets people upset, well it just causes more trouble. When it comes to sex, money and feelings, silence takes on a precious eloquence. Silence is not only golden, it's high grade platinum.)
† Smile for a change, you fat pig: A favorite target of Hollywood's voodoo Psychologist priests is Biblical Authority, which they are forever trying to undermine with their quackery. Here they proclaim that depression has some correlation with obesity, whereas any Christian will tell you that it's God's punishment for violating His prohibitions against Gluttony:
Obese people are 25% more likely to suffer mood and anxiety disorders -- and 25% less likely to suffer substance abuse disorders -- than people who aren't obese.Outrageous! Next these Dr. Frauds will be telling us there's no signicant relationship between blindness and the frequency with which one practices Onanism.
† Culture of Death: As any Christian can tell you, the only time anyone actually experiences insanity is in the presence of radical homosexual activists, and usually after eating too many snackcakes. So their flocking to the defense of the Ward Churchill of family planning, Andrea Yates, was completely predictable. I'm sorry to report to you that killing her children wasn't the only violation of Christian Doctrine "Ms." Yates happily committed:
Starbranch said she treated Yates after she tried to kill herself by overdosing on sleeping pills in June 1999.Andres Yates: anti-Family, anti-Glamour, and anti-American. Honestly, I haven't seen a woman enjoy bad grooming and the deaths of her children this much since Cindy Sheehan. When will the The Left tire of her antics?
About a month later, Starbranch said, Yates' then-husband, Rusty, told her that Yates had held a knife to her own throat the previous day.
Starbranch said Yates had a bald spot on her head from scratching it, had not been taking her antipsychotic medication, had filthy hair and could not function. Starbranch said she sent the couple immediately to a mental hospital so Andrea Yates could be admitted.
Will America wise up to this threat in our midst? I'm sounding the alarm, but no one seems to be responding. Praise Him!
At July 09, 2006 5:03 PM,
Undercover Mother said…
I have had my eyes opened to the errors of my child-rearing. Thank Him that you wrote this in time!
At July 09, 2006 7:49 PM,
Unknown said…
If you weren't here, dear Sister, to whom would we turn when the left tries to pull this psuedo-science stuff on us? Or tell them that they just don't know how to blend their coverup properly?
Praise Him, indeed!
At July 10, 2006 4:46 PM,
Sister Nancy Beth Eczema said…
Mom of 3: I am simply doing my part (short of actually having kids) to ensure that the Youth of America grow up as well-adjusted as their elders.
S&C: Fortunately for America, there are thousands of rightwing bloggers just as eager to judge as I am. Glory!
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