Edicts of Nancy

The blogosphere's most persecuted Christian!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Bats left, throws right, hates America

Radical homosexual activists have long used physical fitness as a carrot to lure Christian Womanhood into their sinful lifestyle. Were it not for their diabolical efforts, millions of girls could have outgrown their tomboy phase and experienced the joys Our Divine Creator had intended for them during the typical all-American adolescence: fixating on boys, obsessing about their weight, and purging those heavy meals to make sure they can fit into that cheerleader's uniform for next Saturday's game. Instead, they were led down the glamourless, Christless road to damnation, defined calves, and a possible daytime talkshow gig. But just when it appears that America's young ladies are banished to the woeful life of softball matches and Melissa Etheridge concerts, the Sacred balm of makeup, God's gift to His fallen daughters of Eve, appears, much like an Angel of The Lord, showing them the way out of the eternal darkness of lesbianism:
What does it take to run a marathon? If you're first-time marathoner Katie Holmes it takes lots of training, a good pair of running shoes and apparently, some eyeliner.

A photo taken of Holmes after she finished the New York Marathon set beauty bloggers buzzing because it looked like Holmes was wearing makeup during the 26.2-mile run through the streets of Manhattan — a practice normally frowned upon by hard-core racers.

But Holmes is hardly the only celebrity to think sweating and a little shimmer go hand in hand. Serena Williams has been known to enter the Center Court at Wimbledon in full glamour mode.

So, do cosmetics and exercise mix? The answer depends on whom you ask.
As you can expect anytime MSM covers Faith in Our Nation, Liberal Media offers its trademark "balance" by giving some unhinged member of The Left a platform to spout their usual America-hating nonsense. Rather than Rejoicing in the deliverance from Sin cosmetics offer, we get more Christianity-bashing under the guise of "science":
David Goldberg, of Mount Sinai Medical Center and director of Skin Laser and Surgery Specialists in New York and New Jersey, couldn't be more clear: "My recommendation is not to wear makeup."
Had Mr. Goldberg had said this of a Muslim custom, there'd be rioting in the streets of Khartoum tonight and Hillary Clinton calling for his head. But since it's perfectly fashionable to denigrate Christianity, this slight against Our Faith will probably go unnoticed, once again showing Christians remain America's most persecuted minority. Praise Him!

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