The Left: Spinning lies, as usual
Perhaps the last moral bulwark separating Our Nation's Virtue from the ravages of those murderous Islezbofascist terrorists is the prohibition against growing Mary Jane's deadliest cousin, industrial hemp. The drug-enthusiast wing of the Democratic Party (approximately 85% of them!) points to its high nutritional value and myriad other applications as rationale for legalizing it. So convincing is their propaganda that they've even managed to ensnare a Republican, legislator David Monson, in their web of satanic trickery:
State legislator David Monson began pushing the idea of growing industrial hemp in the United States a decade ago. Now his goal may be within reach _ but first he needs to be fingerprinted.What The Left wants you to ignore is that hemp is a gateway fiber, one that quickly seduces America's youth into a sordid life of textile abuse. Shortly after experimenting with hemp fibers, your child will reject his Heartland cotton/poly blends and try to recapture that initial high, leading him into heavier and heavier materials like jute, linen, cashmere, and flax, until finally he's using -- God help us -- raffia. Unless America wakes up to the this silent killer waiting at Our Nation's borders, there's no telling how many macrame crafts we'll be forced to endure. Praise Him!
Monson turned in an application Monday to the state Agriculture Department to become the nation's first licensed industrial hemp farmer. State Agriculture Commissioner Roger Johnson said Monson provided fingerprints with his application, which will be used for a background check to prove he is not a criminal. ...
Last month, the state Agriculture Department finished its work on rules farmers may use to grow industrial hemp, a cousin of marijuana that does not have the drug's hallucinogenic properties. The sturdy, fibrous plant is used to make an assortment of products, ranging from paper, rope and lotions to car panels, carpet backing and animal bedding.
At January 19, 2007 9:56 AM,
liquiddaddy said…
My Sister in Christ,
Young people especially should be forced wear alpaca to keep them from weakening. Grandmas have known this for years.
There are some itches one should never scratch.
Praise Him!
At January 21, 2007 8:58 PM,
Sister Nancy Beth Eczema said…
Beautifully put as always, LD, though wearing animal-derived fibers betwixt the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn quickly leads to bestiality.
At January 22, 2007 3:13 PM,
ExMoWeHoMo said…
David Monson is obviously a homo! He's just baby-stepping to a full on dispensery like the godless sodomites in West Hollywood. The only fiber this nation needs is the moral fiber provided by upstanding Christians and the DEA
Praise Him indeed!
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