Thanks to Democrats, illegal aliens can come to America and find lucrative work -- as terrorists!
With her hijab and dark complexion, Catherine Garcia doesn't look like an Orlando native or a Disney tourist. When people ask where she's from, often they are surprised that it's not the Middle East but Colombia.Hah! I've always said as much, about the many fibers that weave the web of Islezbofascism, but now I have proof, and from no less a respected MSM outfit than the "Christian" Science Monitor. Ann, Michelle -- this may be the closest the two of you ever get to double-penetration, so I want you to remember every second of this excruciating ordeal in all its animalistic carnality. Praise Him!
That's because Garcia, a bookstore clerk who immigrated to the U.S. seven years ago, is Hispanic and Muslim. On this balmy afternoon at the start of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month, she is at her mosque dressed in long sleeves and a long skirt in keeping with the Islamic belief in modesty. "When I was in my country, I never fit in the society. Here in Islam I feel like I fit with everything they believe," she says.
Garcia is one of a growing number of Hispanics across the U.S. who have found common ground in a faith and culture bearing surprising similarities to their own heritage. From professionals to students to homemakers, they are drawn to the Muslim faith through marriage, curiosity and a shared interest in issues such as immigration.
At September 29, 2006 8:04 AM,
liquiddaddy said…
Sister Nancy,
What a heavy burdened you carry by your insight into the truth.
I have worried about this Mexican issue. After 9/11, I notice a glut of Osama bin Laden pinatas on the border. But they were not prepared to honor patriotic hate and solidarity with the US. I daresay they were fashioned to mock us!
When the American soccer team went to Mexico later that year, the crowd chanted OSSAAAAMA - OSSAAAMA!
Lately, I'v noticed my margaritas more watery, my cabana boys more surly, and my regular #7 tampico platter having a rather strange taste.
Why do they hate America?
Rolling away the stone,
At September 29, 2006 4:04 PM,
Aaron said…
Fear not, Sister Nancy. The Democrats and their Islamocommunofascist allies may try to import more of their squalid ilk in order to take over, but their plans of attaining a majority shall not succeed! Quite simply, God's People breed in much larger numbers than Liberals...which makes sense, since Liberals are all gay anyway. Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve! Glory!
At September 30, 2006 5:07 PM,
Sister Nancy Beth Eczema said…
Brother LD:
Lately, I'v noticed my margaritas more watery, my cabana boys more surly, and my regular #7 tampico platter having a rather strange taste.
It sounds as if you're enduring Christian persecution of the highest order. History will surely regard you as one of Our Nation's greatest martyrs.
Pope Nixon: This is indeed Good News. It was only a matter of time before The Left's deadly agenda of homosexual indoctrination and compulsory abortion thinned their ranks.
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