Extreme makeover, moonbat edition
Nancy-Con Princess Sparkle Pony has alerted me to the latest hairdo controversy roiling Christian America:
Here she is doing something typically uppity:

And here she is showing her constituents the tools she used to leave behind the Kingdom of Darkness, enter the Lord's Light, and achieve a truly Christian hairstyle:

Her new 'do comes compliments of the immaculately coiffed Debra Maggart, a Tennessee legislator who recently earned her place in heaven by stating that homosexual couples adopt children so they can molest them. Let's hope Debra's hairstyle takes, and Cynthia McKinney comports herself like a true Christian from here on out -- by cutting funding for law enforcement agencies, rather than assaulting them. Praise Him!
On the March 31 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio program, Neal Boortz said that Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) "looks like a ghetto slut." Boortz was commenting on a March 29 incident in which McKinney allegedly struck a police officer at a Capitol Hill security checkpoint. Boortz said that McKinney's "new hair-do" makes her look "like a ghetto slut," like "an explosion at a Brillo pad factory," like "Tina Turner peeing on an electric fence," and like "a shih tzu." McKinney is the first African-American woman elected to Congress from Georgia.Needless to say, ethnic hairdressing remains one of the last strongholds of affirmative action here in our country, so I figured it was high time Ms. McKinney bade farewell to her racially divisive ethnic locks and joined Mainstream America.
Here she is doing something typically uppity:

And here she is showing her constituents the tools she used to leave behind the Kingdom of Darkness, enter the Lord's Light, and achieve a truly Christian hairstyle:

Her new 'do comes compliments of the immaculately coiffed Debra Maggart, a Tennessee legislator who recently earned her place in heaven by stating that homosexual couples adopt children so they can molest them. Let's hope Debra's hairstyle takes, and Cynthia McKinney comports herself like a true Christian from here on out -- by cutting funding for law enforcement agencies, rather than assaulting them. Praise Him!
At November 28, 2016 10:36 PM,
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