
Meet your new surgeon generals.
The Left has been trying to undo the noble legacy of Ronald Reagan even before He left office. Celebrated pot-smoker/adulterer Bill Clinton left our Shining City on the Hill much like he left the White House, a garbage-strewn wreck, and I shudder to think what that harridan wife of his intends to do for an encore. Maybe it's fond memories of the countless hours they spent dropping acid and watching water boil on the stove, but the War on Drugs has long been liberals' favorite subject for besmirching the hallowed name of President Reagan. Knowing that Our Nation enjoys continence and sobriety drives them to levels of unhinged derangement that make the Code Pink lezzies look like a Carmelite high school debate squad, and the arguments they make in favor of the War on Drugs' dismantling (that criminal sentences are racially unfair, that rehab works better than incarceration, that it's a total waste of money) only make sense if you're high. Just when you think they've given you the most ludicrous reasons imaginable to revisit Our Nation's drug policy, they manage to outdo themselves:
Certain marijuana components may suppress the tumors of highly invasive cancers, a new study finds.What were these people smoking at their liberal university when they came up with this study? It has long been established that marijuana is so highly addictive that one hit can will make you quit your job, leave your family, and begin panhandling to support your habit, and to advocate that cancer patients tune in, turn on, and drop out is the height of irresponsibility... though not entirely surprising.
In laboratory tests, cannabinoids, the active components in marijuana, were found to slow the spread of lung and cervical cancer tumors, according to researchers Robert Ramer and Burkhard Hinz of the University of Rostock in Germany.
Proponents of medical marijuana believe that cannabinoids reduce the side effects of cancer treatment, such as pain, weight loss and vomiting.
The study, published in the Jan. 2 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, finds that the compounds may also have an anticancer effect; however, more research is needed to determine whether the laboratory results will hold true in humans, the authors wrote.
When I read things like this, I can't help but suspect that "science" -- the same shady outfit that's trying to tell us that global warming is real & homosexuality is inborn -- is trying to pull another fast one on us American citizens. Keep marijuana away from the terminally ill and where it belongs, in the hands of criminals. Praise Him!
Labels: "Science", Christian persecution, the Gipper
At December 31, 2007 2:33 PM,
Gavin said…
A little less toking, and a little more praying, that's what I always say.
Happy New Year!
At November 05, 2009 2:17 PM,
Copleykj said…
HAHAHA! I hope you get cervical cancer and die just before the great breakthrough with cannabinoid cancer therapy. It'll be your own damn fault for being on the side that keeps studies from being done on the subject.
Also.. Marijuana is absolutely not addicting, especially to the point that one hit makes you quit your job and abandon your family to pan handle on the streets... I smoke daily, have a college degree, a job and a family and some how I (and millions of other Americans) have managed to not take to the streets to pan handle.. Although if I did need to pan handle I could just use you.. The sound of the little bit of brains that you do have rattling around the inside of your head would sound a lot like a cup of loose change if I shook it a little bit.
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