Strictly ball gag

Do you want this to happen to your child? Of course not, unless you're a liberal.
To The Left, physical fitness is another means of advancing World Communism and turning children gay: Just witness the anti-corporate hit job Super Size Me and the lesbian recruitment drive better known as Title IX. Those who embark upon an exercise regimen do so at their own peril. Before you know it, you're on the business end of a Kalashnikov, harvesting organic arugula for our homosexual overlords on one of Chairman Hillary's many collective farms. If only the Fates were so kind to the children of West Virginia, who are being turned into an army of prancing homos:
West Virginia, which has the worst childhood obesity problem in the United States, is stepping up plans to use Konami Corp.’s “Dance Dance Revolution” to battle the bulge in its schools.Given that Dance Dance Revolution is little more than a home study course for stripping and affiliated sex trades, the mind reels at what other exercises these "educators" have in store for our children. Quite frankly, I think Our Nation would be better served if they spent their afternoons learning about the Glory of the Resurrection through the Left Behind video games and drinking carbonated beverages. After all, The Bible promises that a fat, diabetic child shall lead them. Praise Him!
The state, which plans to put the popular dancing video game in every one of its public schools, said on Wednesday research suggested that it helped put a halt to weight gain. ...
Murphy said that, prior to the study, most of the children reported feeling awkward about participating in gym and physical activity at school.
Following the study, children from the group reported feeling more confident and willing to try other exercises, she said.
At February 02, 2007 8:49 AM,
Carmen Sutra said…
Sister Nancy Beth, I couldn't help but shed a tear when I saw the photo of that poor dance victim. That mouth permanently frozen in Hoover mode, the dick-rest on the chin (now doubt added surgically), the shapely buttocks being presented for mounting by the largest mandingo in the room, poised to slam that black dildo home if there are no takers - it's all so tragic. How could parents let that happen?
I'm going to make sure my sons get good manly exercise, like sitting in a deer stand for hours on end or watching NASCAR on butt-flattening bleachers. If that nancy-boy's parents had done the same, he would have kept his soul saved and his cherry intact! I thank the Lord for your good works! Praise him!
At February 06, 2007 8:01 AM,
Lulu Maude said…
Yes, Carmen, those are worthy exercises for those who do not have the good fortune to live in sub-zero temperatures.
Here in the Northeast, our young men are blessed with the opportunity to freeze both balls and behinds through the manly pursuit of ice fishing.
Better yet, they can develop an addiction to alcohol, which, if managed well, can lead to a born-again experience.
At February 06, 2007 4:07 PM,
Sister Nancy Beth Eczema said…
Sister Carmen: Beautifully put, and I commend you on your fine parenting skills. Perhaps Brother James Dobson will have you write the preface in some future edition of his book on not raising fags.
Sister Lulu: How wonderful to see that America provides heterosexuality-affirming activities for our young men everywhere in this great land of ours. Praise Him!
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