Edicts of Nancy

The blogosphere's most persecuted Christian!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Chile con horny

Like most Freedom-lovers, I view the rising brown tide from down south with a mixture of disdain and alarm. After all, if the illegals get their way, drivers licenses will be rendered just as useless as Traditional Marriage (that is, once their sisters-in-arms, radical homosexual activists, are done taking a sledgehammer to it), leading America even further down a doomed path of loose morals, desecrated national anthems, telenovelas, and bad driving. So you can imagine the shockwaves of fear and revulsion that the following item sent through me:
SANTIAGO, Chile - The government on Tuesday said it will resume its program to provide free "morning-after" contraceptives to girls as young as 14, but will also offer them advice by specialists.

The program started in September last year, but it was halted earlier this month when the Constitutional Court ruled it had been improperly implemented by administrative decree rather than by a presidential decree or legislation. ...

President Michelle Bachelet on Monday signed a new decree, which should be cleared by the General Comptroller's Office this week, allowing resumption of the program, according to Health Minister Soledad Barria.

She said that the government introduced a change in the program by appointing physicians and psychologists to offer free advice to girls requesting the pill.
Christians, I shudder for the fate of Our Nation. Among the many harmful side effects of the morning-after pill is that it leads to the formation of rampaging teenage sex cults. How soon do you think it will be until hordes of promiscuous teenagers, bringing little more than their perverted culture and voracious sexual appetites, infiltrate America's porous borders (thanks, Democrats!), apply for public assistance, and teach your child to lambada? I spent many a sleepless night in the 70's worrying about inexorable march of the killer bees, but I have to say this is even worse. Praise Him!


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