Edicts of Nancy

The blogosphere's most persecuted Christian!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Spare the blog, spoil The Left

Hello, Christians -- I spent the weekend protesting the Satanic "Gay Pride" sex rituals held down the street from me & Jesus. I plan to have a lengthy post documenting the numerous atrocities I Witnessed. I am seeking the indulgence of my loyal readers as I contend with Blogger's constant outages (who's running this place, Baghdad Power & Electric?) and mysterious javascript errors that seem to be hobbling my ability to load certain pages. Keep the Faith, and praise Him!


  • At June 12, 2006 12:15 PM, Blogger Lulu Maude said…

    Well, Sister, I have had the same trouble. It wasn't until I got to work today that I was able to upload my post.

    I should feel guilty about blogging at work, but I work at a library that is filled with unsaved books.

  • At June 12, 2006 1:27 PM, Blogger liquiddaddy said…

    Sister Nancy,

    I hauled a float in the Dallas, Texas Gay Pride Week Parade in 1986; back in my carney days. The crew was housed in the back room of the "Rip Cord," and I must say they had excellent shower facilities. I "normally" steered the giant self-propelled sombrero, but on that day I was assigned to manage the 46-foot behomouth, "Three Ring Circus," which was leased by a pool of three discos, "Fists," "Bronco Willie's," and "The Back Door." A rear tire went flat, but the motion was so finely distributed through the craft that I did not detect the problem from the cockpit. This caused the big top to colapse, raining debris and performers on the hapless crowd of onlookers. I attempted to flee down McKinney Ave around the area of the grassy knoll when I was finally cornered by an angry mob. If it hadn't been for a massive bull-dyke named Sylvia (who looked a lot like Rosie Grier) I would have perished for sure.

    Some say that Gay Pride Week is about good will, peace and love, (Taylor Dayne is performing at Houston GPW) but I can testify that this is not always the case. Behind that happy facade are potential killers, and I don't just mean Rip Taylor.

    This not about clowns and marching bands (in ass-less chaps). I would severly warn families not to go.

  • At June 13, 2006 4:58 PM, Blogger Sister Nancy Beth Eczema said…

    Thank you, Christians, for your encouragement in these Dark times.

    Lulu Maude - My local library is so infested with pornography I expect to see quarter booths the next time I go in there.

    LiquidDaddy: Kudos to you for sabotaging this abomination. Your next mission, should you choose to accpet it, is to see if you can take out Taylor Dayne.

    Brian: We unleashed Disco Nancy, my secret weapon, and I was able to observe these Satanic baskets in all their perverted enormity. I fear for Our Nation!


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