In memoriam

When The Left went after Ben Domenech, I said nothing; after all, I am not a plagiarist.
When The Left went after Jeff Goldstein, I said nothing; after all, I am not an asshole.
When The Left went after Tom Delay, I said nothing; after all, I am not a corrupt official.
When The Left went after me, there was no one left to speak out.
At April 06, 2006 5:05 PM,
Peteykins said…
OMG, Tom DeLay as Sebastian. That is truly inspired.
At April 07, 2006 9:59 AM,
Alicia Morgan said…
Oh, Sister Nancy Beth, I see that you, too, understand Tom's true nature and what a righteous Christian he is! As a fellow Tom devotee, I hope you don't mind me featuring you on I Love Tom DeLay!
At April 07, 2006 1:17 PM,
Fran / Blue Gal said…
I, too, think this is such an important, essential message that I linked to it today. I am pleased to see that Mr. DeLay is making the rounds of the television news shows, sounding like he is running for President of Republicania rather than going to prison. Bless you, Sister Nancy!
At April 07, 2006 1:23 PM,
Sister Nancy Beth Eczema said…
It is an honor to be of service to a Christian of Tom DeLay's stature. I only hope that our collective efforts are enough to stop the savagery of The Left. The moonbats are clearly out for Christian blood. Praise Him!
At November 28, 2016 10:35 PM,
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