You're soaking in it!

Our friends at Needlenose located this flattering picture of Dapper Donald Rumsfeld, who always looks sharp. But my inner manicurist told me those spirit fingers needed a bit of dressing up, Nancy Beth-style. So, Mister Secretary, please enjoy this lovely silk wrap in an opulent shade of Zanzibar, and when you're ready for a fill, my chair awaits.

At December 07, 2005 7:59 AM,
Lulu Maude said…
What an improvement! I'm so glad to see that you offer the wonderful world of cosmetics to all genders. (Mr. Rumsfeld occupies a gender all his own if you take the trouble to do a voice-print on him.)
Thanks for your efforts to make the world a little more beautiful! I'm going to link to you.
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