Edicts of Nancy

The blogosphere's most persecuted Christian!

Friday, December 02, 2005

You're soaking in it!

Our friends at Needlenose located this flattering picture of Dapper Donald Rumsfeld, who always looks sharp. But my inner manicurist told me those spirit fingers needed a bit of dressing up, Nancy Beth-style. So, Mister Secretary, please enjoy this lovely silk wrap in an opulent shade of Zanzibar, and when you're ready for a fill, my chair awaits.Posted by Picasa


  • At December 07, 2005 7:59 AM, Blogger Lulu Maude said…

    What an improvement! I'm so glad to see that you offer the wonderful world of cosmetics to all genders. (Mr. Rumsfeld occupies a gender all his own if you take the trouble to do a voice-print on him.)

    Thanks for your efforts to make the world a little more beautiful! I'm going to link to you.


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