The War on Christmas: Special Cosmetics Edition
By now, you should be well aware of the tag-team assault MSM & the moonbats have unleashed on Christmas, as the pages of RenewAmerica, Townhall, & Human Events Online have been filled with nothing but informative pieces about this jihad. But it may interest my gentle readers to learn that even the makeup counter has become a heated battleground on the war on Christmas, here and abroad. Will liberals stop at nothing in their attempts to desecrate this Holy Day?
Fighting the Good Fight for Christendom is the Philippine Daily Inquirer, whose championing of cosmetics from a Christian vantage point is undoubtedly an effective psy-ops operation against that country's Muslim insurgency. I challenge any of you to find a more blistering assault against the forces of Islamofascism and its sister-in-arms, The Left, than this:
On the other team, sadly, we have Fox News(!), who hoists the white flag and unconditionally surrenders to the forces of political correctness in this piece, Crystal to Cashmere: Holiday Gifts for Women:
Fortunately, parents, you can teach your children the true meaning of Christmas this season and put them onto the road to Salvation. I heartily recommend the Girl Crush Lip Gloss Maker, for a tangible lesson in the redemptive power of makeup, and my own Edicts of Nancy thong, a bold and stylish affirmation of the tenets of Christian faith. Praise Him!
Fighting the Good Fight for Christendom is the Philippine Daily Inquirer, whose championing of cosmetics from a Christian vantage point is undoubtedly an effective psy-ops operation against that country's Muslim insurgency. I challenge any of you to find a more blistering assault against the forces of Islamofascism and its sister-in-arms, The Left, than this:
WHO ELSE would dare challenge the already glittering Christmas season but you? And what better way to do it than with a little help from Shiseido’s holiday offering?More rousing than a gospel number; pity I don't have a tambourine nearby. All I can say is, "Amen."
For foolproof dazzle and shine, the Diamond Tear collection will definitely not disappoint.
How to wear it: With the collection’s wide range of shades, all dripping in gorgeous glimmer from eyes to lips, there is plenty of room to experiment!
Keep focus on one feature (read: don’t overdo the glitter! [huh?-SNBE]). For day, add some unexpected glamour with Diamond Tear Eyeliner. You can keep the line close to your lashes or wing it out at the edges to make eyes look wider and bolder. I love it in Aurora Peal, a clear, iridescent shade that changes color with every angle.
On the other team, sadly, we have Fox News(!), who hoists the white flag and unconditionally surrenders to the forces of political correctness in this piece, Crystal to Cashmere: Holiday Gifts for Women:
Deck the halls with tubes of lipstick ... and cashmere sweaters ... and crystal earrings.What deeply rooted pathology prompts The Left to extend both middle fingers to America like this? It's a disgrace that children can come across liberal propaganda like this, but what's absolutely unpardonable that this is happening right under Bill O'Reilly's nose.
Scoring a holiday home run with the women in your life has never been easier, thanks to companies like Old Navy, Swarovski and Givenchy, all of which are selling high-end products at affordable prices this season.
"I definitely think that apparel and accessories are usually the No. 1 gifts for the holidays. They are great because you have so many options. You can go the upscale route or the affordable route," said Scott Krugman, spokesperson for the National Retail Federation.
Fortunately, parents, you can teach your children the true meaning of Christmas this season and put them onto the road to Salvation. I heartily recommend the Girl Crush Lip Gloss Maker, for a tangible lesson in the redemptive power of makeup, and my own Edicts of Nancy thong, a bold and stylish affirmation of the tenets of Christian faith. Praise Him!
At December 14, 2005 9:12 AM,
Alicia Morgan said…
Dearest Sister Nancy Beth - Everyone knows that cosmetics are next to Godliness (for women only, of course, unless your ministry has called you to the television screen, in which case a little subtle pancake and a light taupe eyeliner are not amiss). Jesus, I am sure, has no doubt told you how much better you look with makeup, and to please put some on before He gets up! In this we must take direction from our sisters on the TBN, who, being so very close to God, we should emulate.
But Christian women do not live by cosmetics alone, no matter how obvious. We must embrace the totality of Christmas Warrior armor - accessories! The earrings, the neckaces, the brooches, the bracelets, even the eyeglass holders - they must shine with Christian fury! And don't forget the matching sweaters, shoes, and skirts! All, of course, in tasteful shades of red and green - or, if you prefer, green and red.
Fight back with style!
At December 14, 2005 9:15 AM,
Alicia Morgan said…
And thank you, Sister, for adding my humble site to your Nancy-con roll! I am honored to join you in the Blessed War on Godlessness. May we crush them into oblivion as our Savior would have us do!
At December 14, 2005 12:50 PM,
Sister Nancy Beth Eczema said…
Alicia - I could never discount the importance of accessories and apparel as armor in this battle for America's soul, but the liberal onslaught against cosmetics, you may have noticed, has been unremittingly fierce of late. I've even had to let Whore of Heresy Bitch Ph.D.'s usual sophistries about dirty pillowcases slip through the net. These certainly are trying times to be a Christian in America!
At December 15, 2005 1:15 AM,
Alicia Morgan said…
When you are as close to Victory as we are, the Godless liberals battle all the fiercer!
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