Myanmar shadow
Like many conservatives, I'm troubled by the increasing pull of foreign governments on Our Nation's sovereignty. The assertion that it's legal in Europe -- lots of filthy things usually are --bolsters many of The Left's arguments in the legal and policy spheres, and the results have been nearly apocalyptic: Men are now staying home and practically breastfeeding their newborns, thanks to "progressive" family & medical leave laws popular in countries like Sweden and other places where pornography is a major part of their GDP. So you can imagine my delight to see what one country has the stones to say "No!" to all this castrating interference by "concerned" outsiders:

The military government in Burma (Myanmar) is receiving an outpouring of emergency aid offers from the international community, as the death toll from Saturday's cyclone continues to soar. While some foreign aid workers were told they could enter the country to assess needs and distribute supplies, as of Tuesday – three days after the disaster hit – they were still awaiting visas. The delay raises questions as to how willing the hermit regime is to facilitate relief in the crucial, early stages of this humanitarian emergency.Kudos to the rulers of Myanmar for standing up to those nanny-state relief workers. This is the sort of uncompromising leadership America needs! Rather than mollycoddling their citizens and creating a victim mentality, countries need to tell their people, in the immortal words of Prayer Warrior Michelle Malkin, to "Suck. It. Up." Once these aid workers get a foothold, it's only a matter of time before they began imposing their liberal fascist programs like electricity and sanitation on the country. America could learn a thing or two about how to handle a natural disaster from these people. I only wish that our own country could take such a character-building stance during a "natural" "disaster." Praise Him!
UPDATE: We did!

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