Some stoo-pid moonbat sent me the usual hatemail calling me a fascist and hydrophobe, and signed off by saying that my pussy probably smelled. Well, jerk, it does nothing of the sort, because I bathe it regularly. Need proof?

Here's the Praisecat luxuriating in the rich, hydrating emollience of Magic Coat pet shampoo and otherwise enjoying a day of beauty, after which he tried to puncture one of my arteries. It leaves him softer than a chinchilla and, yes, delightfully fragrant. So keep those cards and letters coming, libtards. Praise Him!
Here's the Praisecat luxuriating in the rich, hydrating emollience of Magic Coat pet shampoo and otherwise enjoying a day of beauty, after which he tried to puncture one of my arteries. It leaves him softer than a chinchilla and, yes, delightfully fragrant. So keep those cards and letters coming, libtards. Praise Him!
Labels: cats, Christian persecution
At June 16, 2008 12:06 PM,
proudprogressive said…
Praise Cat can never be baptised enough apparently ! Why its heavenly grace to see a cat in a tub. Not only does he pray but love holy water..Milagro !
Why do the moonbats hate us faithful so much ....the baby jesus weeps. Oh some great news from out here in the middle of nowhere which will no doubt warm your heart as it does mine. The local church is organizing baseball for the Christian yutes and have called the here to fore patch of an overgrown field ..Repentence Field - well what can i say - but my trips to the post office to mail my rent to Pat Robertson have become 110% more inspired. Why i cannot even leave the house now without being reminded what an awful person i am - Praise Him !
The leetle kids should have sooo much fun playing on "Repentence Field". Batting for Jesus !
Now this is what playing in the fields of the Lord and neighborhood improvements beyond my wildest dreams ! My the lord does work in mysterious ways.
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